Associating the Terms and Conditions with a Non-Root Level Hierarchy Entity


To associate the terms and conditions with a non-root level hierarchy entity, you should have:

  • Hierarchy entity with which you want to associate the terms and conditions defined in the application

  • Terms and conditions defined in the application


To associate the terms and conditions with a non-root level hierarchy entity:

  1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Main menu, select Deal Pricing Management and then click Terms and Conditions Mapping.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. Click the Add option from the Terms and Conditions Mapping sub-menu.

    The Terms and Conditions Mapping screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the entity (i.e. price item, non-root level hierarchy entity, or root level hierarchy entity) with which you want to associate the terms and conditions. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Mapping Entity Type Used to indicate the type of entity using which you want to associate the terms and conditions. The valid values are:
      • Price Item - Used to indicate that you want to associate the terms and conditions with a price item.

      • Non-Root Level Hierarchy Entity - Used to indicate that you want to associate the terms and conditions with a non-root level hierarchy entity.

      • Root Level Hierarchy Entity - Used to indicate that you want to associate the terms and conditions with a root level hierarchy entity.

      Mapping Entity Used to indicate the entity with which you want to associate the terms and conditions.

      The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Mapping Entity field. On clicking the Search icon, the Price Item Terms and Conditions Mapping Search, Non-Root Level Hierarchy Entity Terms and Conditions Mapping Search, or Root Level Hierarchy Entity Terms and Conditions Mapping Search window appears depending upon whether you select the Price Item, Non-Root Level Hierarchy Entity, or Root-Level Hierarchy Entity option from the Mapping Entity Type field respectively.

      On indicating the mapping entity, the description of the mapping entity appears corresponding to the Mapping Entity field.

      This field appears when you select the mapping entity type from the Mapping Entity Type field.

    • Terms and Conditions - Used to associate the terms and conditions with the entity (i.e. price item, non-root level hierarchy entity, or root level hierarchy entity). It contains the following fields in a grid:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Terms and Conditions Used to indicate the terms and conditions that you want to associate with the entity.

      The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Terms and Conditions field. On clicking the Search icon, the Terms and Conditions Search window appears.

      On indicating the terms and conditions, the description of the terms and conditions appear corresponding to the Terms and Conditions field.

      You can search for only those terms and conditions whose Terms and Conditions Usage is set to Deal or Invoice and Deal.

      Start Date Used to specify the date from when the terms and conditions are associated with the entity.
      Note: The start date cannot be later than the end date.
      End Date Used to specify the date till when the terms and conditions are associated with the entity.
      Note: The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.
      Default Used to indicate whether the terms and conditions should be defaulted for the entity.
      Note: You must specify atleast one default terms and conditions for an entity.
  4. Select the Non-Root Level Hierarchy Entity option from the Mapping Entity Type field in the Main section.
    The Mapping Entity field appears.
  5. Search for the non-root level hierarchy entity with which you want to associate the terms and conditions in the Mapping Entity field.
  6. Associate terms and conditions with the non-root level hierarchy entity in the Terms and Conditions section.
    Note: The valid file extensions for associating terms and conditions are doc, xls, pdf, jpg, txt, avi, bmp, mp3 and rtf.
  7. If you want to associate more than one terms and conditions with the non-root level hierarchy entity, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon.
    Note: However, if you want to disassociate the terms and conditions from the non-root level hierarchy entity, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the respective terms and conditions.
  8. Click Save.
    The terms and conditions are associated with the non-root level hierarchy entity.

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Terms and Conditions Mapping screen Terms and Conditions Mapping