Billable Charge Characteristic Upload Staging Layout

If you want to upload characteristics on your billable charge, you must create a billable charge characteristic upload record for each characteristic. The name of this table is CI_​BCHG_​UP_​CHAR . The following table describes each column on this table:

Column Name Length Required Data Type Comments
ADHOC_​CHAR_​VAL 254 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify an adhoc characteristic value. The data is required if the char value type of the characteristic type is set to Adhoc Value.
BCHG_​UP_​ID 30 Yes CHAR This column is used to specify unique ID for billable charge upload staging record.
CHAR_​TYPE_​CD 8 Yes CHAR This column is used to specify the characteristic type. The data specified in this column must exists in the system.
CHAR_​VAL 16 No CHAR This column is used to specify the characteristic value. The data is required if the char value type of the characteristic type is set to File Location Value or Predefined Value.
CHAR_​VAL_​FK1 50 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify a foreign key. The data is required if the char value type of the characteristic type is set to Foreign Key Value.
CHAR_​VAL_​FK2 50 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify a foreign key. This column can be used when you have more than one foreign key.
CHAR_​VAL_​FK3 50 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify a foreign key. This column can be used when you have more than one foreign key.
CHAR_​VAL_​FK4 50 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify a foreign key. This column can be used when you have more than one foreign key.
CHAR_​VAL_​FK5 50 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify a foreign key. This column can be used when you have more than one foreign key.
EFFDT 10 Yes DATE This column is used to specify the date from when the characteristic is effective for the billable charge upload record.
SRCH_​CHAR_​VAL 254 No VARCHAR2 This column is used to specify the description of the predefined characteristic value.
VERSION 5 Yes NUMBER This column is used to specify the version number.