Billable Charge Upload Staging Layout

You must create an upload staging record for each billable charge. The name of this table is CI_​BCHG_​UP . The following table describes each column on this table.

Column Name Length Required Data Type Comments
BCHG_​UP_​ID 30 Yes CHAR This is the unique identifier of the record. This value does NOT have to be a random number, but it does need to be unique. If your process that inserts records on this table is capable of calling a COBOL routine, call CIPCKEYG and it will supply a 12 digit random number for you.
BCHG_​UP_​STAT_​FLG 2 Yes CHAR This must be set to P for Pending.
NT_​XID_​CD 30 No CHAR This is the external system id of the sender of the billable charge. Refer to Designing External Systems for more information about this field.
BCHG_​EXT_​REF_​ID 50 No VARCHAR2 This is the identifier of the billable charge in the sender's system.
CRE_​DTTM 26 No DATE/TIME The date and time the upload staging row was inserted (this can be used for audit purposes).
START_​DT 10 Yes DATE The start date of the period encompassed by the billable charge.
END_​DT 10 Yes DATE The end date of the billable charge period.
DESCR_​ON_​BILL 80 Yes VARCHAR2 This is the description that should prefix the charges on the printed bill.
SA_​ID 10 See note CHAR This must correspond with a contract ID of a billable charge contract.
BILLABLE_​CHG_​ID 12 No CHAR Leave this column blank. It will be assigned by the system when it creates a billable charge record.
CHG_​TYPE_​CD 12 No CHAR This column is used to specify the charge type for which you want to create a billable charge.
RECURRING_​FLG 4 No CHAR This column is used to indicate whether recurring bill segments must be created at the intervals defined in the bill period or at the set invoice frequency. The valid values are:
  • BP

  • FR

POLICY_​INVOICE_​FREQ_​CD 4 No CHAR This column is used to indicate the invoice frequency at which the recurring bill segments must be created.
BILL_​PERIOD_​CD 8 No CHAR This column is used to indicate the bill period that you want to use for specifying the intervals at which the recurring bill segments must be created.