Billable Charge Service Quantity Upload Staging Layout

You must create a billable charge service quantity upload record for each service quantity to be uploaded. The name of this table is CI_​BCHG_​UP_​SQ . The following table describes each column on this table. Refer to "pass through" charges for more information about how this type of information is used.

Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
BCHG_​UP_​ID 30 Y Char This is the foreign key to the billable charge upload staging record.
SEQ_​NUM 3 Y N Sequence of the service quantity within the Billable Charge Upload
UOM_​CD 4 N Char The unit of measure of the Billable Charge Upload SQ row. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_​UOM. Note, at least one of the following fields should be specified: SQI_​CD, TOU_​CD, UOM_​CD.
TOU_​CD 8 N Char The Variance Parameter of the Billable Charge Upload SQ row. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_​TOU. Note, at least one of the following fields should be specified: SQI_​CD, TOU_​CD, UOM_​CD.
SQI_​CD 8 N Char The service quantity identifier of the Billable Charge Upload SQ row. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_​SQI. Note, at least one of the following fields should be specified: SQI_​CD, TOU_​CD, UOM_​CD.
SVC_​QTY 12.6 N N Quantity of the service used for the UOM / Variance Parameter/ SQI combination