Billable Charge Line Characteristic Upload Staging Layout

If you want to upload characteristics on your billable charge lines, you must create a billable charge line characteristic upload record for each characteristic on each line. The name of this table is CI_​B_​LN_​UP_​CHAR . The following table describes each column on this table.

Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
BCHG_​UP_​ID 30 Y Char This is the foreign key to the billable charge upload staging record.
LINE_​SEQ 3 Y N This is the foreign key to the billable charge line upload staging record
CHAR_​TYPE_​CD 8 Y Char This is the unique identifier of the billable charge line characteristics. This value must be unique within the billable charge line characteristics.
CHAR_​VAL 16 N Char A characteristic value must be supplied if the ad hoc switch on characteristic type is N. Otherwise, it is not allowed.
ADHOC_​CHAR_​VAL 30 N Varchar2 An ad hoc characteristic value must be supplied if the ad hoc switch on characteristic type is Y. Otherwise, it is not allowed.