Billable Charge Line Upload Staging Layout

You must create a billable charge line upload record for each line to be uploaded. The name of this table is CI_​BCHG_​LINE_​UP . The following table describes each column on this table.

Note: Defaulting from BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE. Please pay special attention to the Comments column below as many fields, if left blank, will default from each record's BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE.
Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
BCHG_​UP_​ID 30 Y Char This is the foreign key to the billable charge upload staging record.
LINE_​SEQ 3 Y N This is the unique line number of the billable charge line. This value must be unique within the billable charge.
DESCR_​ON_​BILL 80 Y Varchar2 This is the description that will be printed on the bill for the line.
CHARGE_​AMT 13.2 N N This is the amount associated with the billable charge line.
BCHG_​LINE_​XID 20 N Varchar2 This is the unique identifier of the billable charge line in the sender's system.
BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE 30 N Char This is the type of billable charge line. This is a foreign key reference to the billable charge line type control table. This control table is used to populate the remaining fields (if they are blank). If this field is blank, the remaining fields must be specified as they cannot be defaulted from the billable charge line type control table. Refer to Billable Charge Line Type for more information.
CURRENCY_​CD 3 See note Char This is a foreign key reference to the currency code of the billable charge line. This field must be specified if CHARGE_​AMT is non-zero.
SHOW_​ON_​BILL_​SW 1 See note Char This should be Y if the line should appear on the customer's printed bill. This should be N if the line should not appear on the customer's printed bill. If left blank, this value will be populated from the line's BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE.
APP_​IN_​SUMM_​SW 1 See note Char This should be Y if the line appears in a summary line. This should be N if the line does not appear in a summary line. This switch plays a part at bill print time - those lines that appear in a summary print in the left dollar column, those that don't appear in a summary print in the right dollar column. If left blank, this value will be populated from the line's BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE.
MEMO_​SW 1 See note Char This should be Y if the line does NOT affect the general ledger. This should be N if the line affects the general ledger. If left blank, this value will be populated from the line's BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE.
DST_​ID 10 See note Char If the line affects the general ledger, the set ID (the previous field) and the distribution code of the GL account must be specified. If left blank, this value will be populated from the line's BCHG_​UP_​XTYPE.