Cancelling a Write Off Request

There might be situations when incorrect write off request is processed in the system. In such case, the system provides you with an ability to cancel the write off request. However, note that you can cancel a write off request when the write off request is in the Processed status.


To cancel a write off request, you should have:

  • Cancel reasons defined in the application

Note: While cancelling a write off request, you need to specify the reason why you want to cancel the write off request. You can select the appropriate cancel reason when you have defined the reasons for the Cancelled status of the C1-WORequest business object in the Status Reason screen.


To cancel a write off request:

  1. Search for the write off request in the Refund/Write Off Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Refund/Write Off Request Information column corresponding to the write off request that you want to cancel.
    The Write Off Request screen appears.
  3. Click the Cancel button in the Write Off Request zone.

    The Cancel Reason window appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Status Reason Used to indicate the reason why you want to cancel the write off request. Yes
    Comments Used to specify additional information while cancelling the write off request. No
    Note: The Cancel button appears when the write off request is in the Processed status.
  4. Select the cancel reason from the Status Reason list.
  5. Click Save.
    The status of the write off request is changed to Cancelled.
    Note: The C1-WOCANCEL algorithm cancels all the frozen adjustments created for the write off request which is in the Processed state.

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