Editing the Write Off Details


To edit the write off details, you should have:

  • Adjustment types with A/P request type defined in the application


To edit the write off details:

  1. Search for the write off request in the Refund/Write Off Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Refund/Write Off Request Information column corresponding to the write off request whose bill line item details you want to edit.
    The Write Off Request screen appears. You can edit the bill line items of the write off request by using either of the following ways:
    If... Then...
    Select the bill whose details you want to edit in the Write Off Details zone and click the Edit button available in the upper left corner of this zone. The Edit Request Details screen appears.
    In the Write Off Details zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the bill whose line items details you want to edit. The Bill Line Items zone appears.
    Note: This zone appears when the Entity Type is Bill.
    1. Select the bill line item whose details you want to edit in the Bill Line Items zone and click the Edit button available in the upper left corner of this zone.

      The Edit Request Details screen appears.

    Note: A bill line item from the write off request can be edited when the write off request is in the Draft status.

    The Edit Request Details screen appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Request ID Displays the write off request ID. Not applicable
    Account Information Displays additional information about the account. Not applicable
    Adjustment Type Indicates the adjustment type of the write off request type.

    You can search for an adjustment type by clicking the Search (The Search Icon) icon corresponding to the field.


    In addition to these fields, this screen contains following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Entity Type Indicates the entity type. The valid values are
    • Adjustments

    • Bill

    • Bill Segment

    • Payment Event

    • Payment

    Entity ID Displays the entity ID.
    Entity Amount Displays the entity amount.
    Currency Displays the currency in which the entity was created.
    Request Amount Displays the amount that must be write off.
    Adjustment Type Indicates the adjustment type using which the write off adjustment must be created.

    You can search for an account by clicking the Search (The Search Icon) icon corresponding to the field.

    Bill ID Displays the bill ID.
    In addition to the above columns, the screen has following button:
    Button Name Button Description
    Override Used to override an adjustment type of the write off request.

    Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Search Results section. By default, 10 records are displayed in the Search Results section. You can change the number of records displayed per page, if required. You can use the navigation buttons, such as First (The First Page Button), Previous (The Previous Page Button), Next (The Next Page Button), and Last (The Last Page Button) to navigate between pages. You can also select the page to which you want to navigate from the Go To list.

    The values appear in the Page Limit list when you define values for the PAGE_​NUMBER lookup field.

  3. Modify the details of the bill line items.
  4. Click Save.
    The changes made to the write off bill line items are saved.

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