Deal Approval Profile

The Deal Approval Profile zone displays the details of the deal approval profile. It contains the following sections:

  • Main - Displays basic information about the deal approval profile. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Deal Approval Profile Indicates the deal approval profile.
    Description Displays the description of the deal approval profile.
    Detailed Description Displays additional information about the deal approval profile.
    Approval Profile Currency Indicates the currency in which the amounts are mentioned in the deal approval profile.
    Status Indicates the status of the deal approval profile. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

  • Approval Hierarchy - Displays the approval hierarchy levels with their required limits and rights defined for approving a deal. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Level Indicates the approval level.
    To Do Type Indicates the To Do Type using which the To Do task is assigned to the approver/user group for approving the deal at the specified hierarchy level.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the To Do Type screen appears where you can view the details of the respective To Do Type.
    To Do Role Indicates the approver/user group to whom the To Do task of the To Do Type is assigned for approving the deal at the specified hierarchy level.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the To Do Role screen appears where you can view the details of the respective To Do Role.
    Recommend Pricing Indicates whether the approver/user (other than the relationship manager) at the specified hierarchy level is entitled to recommend a change in the proposed pricing of the price item. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Submit Price Item For Approval Indicates whether the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level is entitled to submit one or more price items to the product manager for approval. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Approve Deal Indicates whether the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level is entitled to approve the deal after all the discretion check is confirmed. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    View Only Eligible Price Items Indicates whether the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level can view only those price items which meet the pricing limits as set in the approval hierarchy. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Minimum Profitability (%) Displays the minimum deal profitability percentage which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Maximum Profitability (%) Displays the maximum deal profitability percentage which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Minimum Profit Displays the minimum deal profitability amount which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Maximum Profit Displays the maximum deal profitability amount which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Minimum Profit Variation (%) Displays the minimum deal profitability variation percentage which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Maximum Profit Variation (%) Displays the maximum deal profitability variation percentage which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Minimum Profit Variation Displays the minimum deal profitability variation amount which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Maximum Profit Variation Displays the maximum deal profitability variation amount which is set for the approver/user at the specified hierarchy level for approving the deal.
    Minimum Revenue Displays the minimum deal revenue which can be approved by the approver/user at a specified hierarchy level.
    Maximum Revenue Displays the maximum deal revenue which can be approved by the approver/user at a specified hierarchy level.
  • Record Actions - This section contains the following buttons:

    Button Name Button Description
    Edit Used to edit the details of the deal approval profile.
    Delete Used to delete the deal approval profile.
    Note: You can delete a deal approval profile only when the deal approval profile is not yet used for creating a deal type.
    Duplicate Used to create a new deal approval profile using an existing deal approval profile.
  • Record Information - This section contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description
    Business Object Indicates the business object using which the deal approval profile is created in the system. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Business Object screen appears where you can view the details of the respective business object.

By default, the Deal Approval Profile zone does not appear in the Deal Approval Profile screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to a deal approval profile in the Deal Approval Profile List zone.

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Deal Approval Profile screen Deal Approval Profile
Deal Approval Profile List zone Deal Approval Profile List