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Administering an Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.4 Configuration

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Updated: November 2019

Administering Disk-Path Monitoring

Disk path monitoring (DPM) administration commands enable you to receive notification of secondary disk-path failure. Use the procedures in this section to perform administrative tasks that are associated with monitoring disk paths.

The following additional information is available:

Conceptual information about the disk-path monitoring daemon
Description of the cldevice command options and related commands
cldevice(8CL) man page
Tuning the scdpmd daemon
Logged errors that the syslogd daemon reports
syslogd(8) man page

Note -  Disk paths are automatically added to the monitoring list monitored when I/O devices are added to a node by using the cldevice command. Disk paths are also automatically unmonitored when devices are removed from a node by using Oracle Solaris Cluster commands.
Table 8  Task Map: Administering Disk-Path Monitoring
Monitor a disk path.
Unmonitor a disk path.
Print the status of faulted disk paths for a node.
Monitor disk paths from a file.
Enable or disable the automatic rebooting of a node when all monitored shared-disk paths fail.
Resolve an incorrect disk-path status. An incorrect disk-path status can be reported when the monitored DID device is unavailable at boot time, and the DID instance is not uploaded to the DID driver.

The procedures in the following section that issue the cldevice command include the disk-path argument. The disk-path argument consists of a node name and a disk name. The node name is not required and defaults to all if you do not specify it.