Commerce Reference Store ships with 22 user profiles for the following customers:

All users, except Anna Parker, have a login that follows this pattern:

For example, Stuart Schmidt’s login is Anna Parker’s login is, to distinguish her from Anna Mitchell. The password for all customers is password.

The repository for user profiles is /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository.

Customers with Multiple Addresses

The following customers have billing addresses that differ from their shipping addresses:

Two customers, Stuart Schmidt and Kim Anderson, also have secondary addresses in addition to their shipping and billing addresses. For example, Kim Anderson’s profile includes a secondary address for shipping items to her mother’s house.

Customers with Gift and Wish Lists

Stuart Schmidt and Kim Anderson each have a wish list and a gift list. Stuart’s wish list is confined to products from ATG Store Germany. Kim’s wish list has products from both ATG Store US and ATG Home. The gift lists for both customers include products from ATG Store US and ATG Home.

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