3.6.1 Overview of the Template Configuration Script (ovm-template-config)

The Oracle VM Template Configuration Script, ovm-template-config works in conjunction with a set of modular configuration scripts that function in a manner very similar to the standard Linux System V, init.d and chkconfig, script model. Control over how configuration modules are run is handled within the /etc/template.d directory on the guest virtual machine. The configuration module scripts are stored in /etc/template.d/scripts.

The ovm-template-config script is the master script that is used to control all enabled modules. Running ovm-template-config with the --help parameter provides a usage breakdown.

For remote configuration, ovm-template-config is used in conjunction with ovmd to capture configuration parameters that have been sent to the guest using the Oracle VM messaging facility. When this is the case, ovm-template-config targets are presented to ovmd as --script parameters:

# ovmd -s cleanup
# ovmd -s configure 

When performing remote configuration, using ovmd to process messages containing configuration keys, the authentication module must be enabled. Processing of messages can only be completed if the final message contains the root user password. See Section 3.6.2, “Enabling and Disabling Configuration Modules (ovm-chkconfig)” for more information on this module.

See Section 3.6.4, “Triggering Configuration Changes” for more information on calling this script directly.


ovm-template-config [ -e | --enumerate ] [ --human-readable ] [ { -i | --input= } input ] [ { -o | --output= } output ] [ --stdin ] [ --console-input ] [ --ovf-transport-iso ] [ { -s | --script= } script ] [ --logfile= logfile ] [ --loglevel= loglevel ] [ --version ] [ { -h | --help } ] target

Where target is:

{ configure | unconfigure | reconfigure | cleanup | suspend | resume | migrate | shutdown }


The following table shows the available options for this command.



[ -e | --enumerate ]

Enumerate the parameters for target.


Print in human readable format when enumerate parameters.

{ -i | --input= } input

Input parameters from this file descriptor.

{ -o | --output= } output

Output parameters to this file descriptor.


Build parameters from stdin.


Build parameters from the console input.


Build parameters from the OVF transport ISO.

{ -s | --script= } script

Specify a script.

--logfile= logfile

Set the name of the log file.

--loglevel= loglevel

Set the logging level.


Show the ovm-template-config script version number and exit.

{ -h | --help }

Show help on the ovm-template-config command options.


Example 3.8 Listing the key pairs in configuration modules

# ovm-template-config --enumerate configure

Example 3.9 Listing the key pairs specific to the network configuration module

# ovm-template-config --enumerate --script network configure

Example 3.10 Passing configuration information to the script from STDIN

# ovm-template-config --stdin configure

Example 3.11 Passing configuration information from the command line prompt (prompting for values)

# ovm-template-config --console-input configure

Example 3.12 Passing configuration information from an OVF transport mounted on a CDROM device

# ovm-template-config --ovf-transport-iso configure