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Siebel CRM Fundamentals
Siebel Innovation Pack 2014
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


* (asterisk)
new records, about using to identify, 5.14
query, improving performance, 8.9
required fields, about appearing in, 4.16
+ (plus sign), using in Explorer view, 4.18


5 Day Weekly view
arrows, about appearance of, 12.10, 12.11, 12.18, 12.18


About Record feature
about, 5.13
and merging records, 5.13.1
About Using Default Queries, 8.7
alarms, about using, 12.9
appearance of (table), 12.3
calendar, typing directly in, 12.11
changing using the Calendar Detail form, 12.17
contacts, adding to activities, 12.19
Daily, Weekly, Monthly activities, viewing, 12.10
deleting, 12.14
employees, adding to activities, 12.19
modifying, 12.21
nonrecurring activities, removing participants from, 12.20
participants, about adding to activities, 12.19
reassigning, 12.21
recurring activities, adding to the calendar, 12.13
recurring activities, changing to nonrecurring activities, 12.13
recurring activities, deleting every instance, 12.15
recurring activities, deleting one instance of, 12.15
recurring activities, removing employee or contact from, 12.20
rescheduling by stretching, 12.18
rescheduling using drag and drop, 12.18
resources, adding to, 12.19
saving recurring activities, 12.17
To Do list, adding activities to, 12.12
about using, 12.9
calendar activities, turning on default alarms, 14.13.3
default alarm times, setting, 14.13.4
dismissing, 12.25
setting, 12.24
snooze time, setting default, 14.13.5
snoozing an alarm, 12.25
triggering and displaying, 12.9
application management
keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.8
application toolbar
See toolbar
application window
application-level menu, described, 4.2
show more button, described, 4.15.3, 4.15.3
Site Map, described and using, 4.5
subview, about, 4.12.3, 4.12.3
view tabs, described, 4.12.2
application-level menu
described and location, 4.2
record, using to create, 5.1
record, using to delete, 5.8
asterisk (*)
new records, about using to identify, 5.14
query, improving performance, 8.9
required fields, about appearing in, 4.16
file, attaching to a record, 5.19
record, attaching using drag-and-drop, 5.19
record, attaching using the New File button, 5.19
URLs, attaching to records, 5.20
URLs, attaching using New URL button, 5.20


basic-mode keyboard shortcuts
about, 15.2.2
adding to email or document, 11.4
branding area
described, 4.3
broadcast messages
about, 4.20
customizing, 14.10
fast-forwarding or reversing through messages, 4.20


button, described, 3.8
calculator (currency) control, described and field controls (table), 3.9
about, 12.1
activities, deleting, 12.14
activities, modifying, 12.21
activities, viewing, 12.10
activity duration, setting default, 14.13.2
Alarm check box, about clearing, 12.6
alarms, dismissing, 12.25
alarms, setting, 12.24
alarms, snoozing, 12.25
alarms, using, 12.9
another user's calendar, setting up as your default, 14.13.8
another user's calendar, viewing, 12.23
appointment, about modifying a repeating appointment and clicking Save All, 12.13
calendar day, changing the length of, 14.13.1
Calendar Detail field default values (table), 12.4
calendar view, setting up default, 14.13.7
contacts, adding to activities, 12.19
date and time zone, changing, 12.26
employees, adding to activities, 12.19
group calendar, about using, 12.8
Internet Explorer settings for printing the calendar, 2.4
Participant Availability subview, about and using, 12.7
participants, about adding to activities, 12.19
printing, 12.28
queries, running, 12.27
recurring activities, creating, 12.13
recurring activities, deleting every instance, 12.15
recurring activities, deleting only one instance, 12.15
Repeat Frequency field, about selecting a value in, 12.6
rescheduling activities by stretching, 12.18
rescheduling activities using drag and drop, 12.18
saving recurring activities, 12.17
Start field, and the End field, 12.6
To Do List, about and viewing, 12.2
To Do List, adding activities to, 12.12
To Do list, marking as completed, 12.16
views, list of, 12.2
week calendar view, setting up default, 14.13.7
your calendar, giving others access to, 12.22
calendar control
about and example, 3.10
calendar select button and, 3.10
Calendar Detail form
using to change activities, 12.17
calendar select button
calendar control and, 3.8
described, 3.8
Case and Accent Insensitive Query, 4.8, 8.1.2
described and displaying, 4.17
check boxes
described and example, 3.5
column size changes, saving, 5.24
display, changing, 5.21
locking, 5.23
resizing, 5.24
Columns Displayed dialog box
button descriptions (table), 5.21
using, 5.21
communication management
keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.7
compound query operators (table), 8.10
activities, adding to, 12.19
recurring activities, removing from, 12.20
of records, 5.12
creating records
application-level menu, 5.1
menu button, 5.1
New button, 5.1
quick fill, 5.2
currency calculator control
described and field controls (table), 3.9


Daily view
about, 12.2
activities, adding to view, 12.11
activities, typing directly into the calendar, 12.11
activities, viewing, 12.10
rescheduling activities by stretching, 12.18
rescheduling activities using drag and drop, 12.18
data access
about, 2.3
data management
keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.1
data, displaying
charts, described and figure, 4.17
Explorer view, described and figure, 4.18
form, long and short form described, 4.16
lists, 4.15
record navigation buttons, described and figure, 4.16.2
vertical scroll bars, described and using, 4.15.1
data, entering
canceling an add record operation, 7.3
select dialog boxes, running queries from, 7.5
data, importing, 11.6
data, synchronizing
about and example, 10.1
initiating, 10.2.1
personal information manager (PIM) server, 10.3
process, reason to synchronize, 10.1
synchronizing data, 10.1
date, changing in calendar, 12.26
activities, 12.14
data, about deleting data added to database, 7.3
employee or contact from recurring activities, 12.20
participant from nonrecurring activities, 12.20
queries, 8.4
records, 5.8
recurring activities, deleting every instance of, 12.15
recurring activities, deleting one instance of, 12.15
Demo application, about, 2.1.1
Dismiss All button, to dismiss all active alarms, 12.25
record count, 5.12
document, adding URL to, 11.4
drilling downacross, described, 5.11
drop-down arrow
screen tab, 4.13
drop-down list, about using and example, 3.7
duplicate records, merging, 5.17


Edit Layout page
about and edit layout button (table), 13.1
attached items, viewing list of all, 11.2
keyboard shortcuts, 15.3.7
meeting email prompt, setting up, 14.13.6
outgoing email, specifying the edit mode, 14.5
outgoing messages, automatically spell checking, 14.9
Send Email command, 11.2
sending, 11.2
URL, adding to an email, 11.4
activities, about deleting from the calendar, 12.14
activities, adding to, 12.19
recurring activities, removing from, 12.20
Execute query button, 4.4
exiting the Siebel application, 2.8
Explorer view, described and using, 4.18
external file, 11.7
multi-value group fields, about exporting, 11.7
extended-mode keyboard shortcuts, about, 15.2.1


keyboard shortcuts, 15.3.7
Send Fax command, 11.2
field controls
about, 3.4
calculator (currency) button, described and field controls, 3.9
check boxes, described and example, 3.5
drop-down list, about using and example, 3.7
field control buttons (table), 3.8
option buttons, described and example, 3.6
selection dialog boxes, using, 7, 8
text editor, about and using, 3.3.1
text fields, about and using, 3.3
drag-and-drop, using to attach a file to a record, 5.19
exporting, 11.7
importing, 11.6
New File button, using, 5.19
record, attaching to, 5.19
Find drop-down list, using in selection dialog boxes, 7.4
flagging records, procedure and figure, 5.15
common buttons, 4.19
editing, about, 4.16
long and short form described, 4.16
record navigation buttons, 4.16.2


Gantt chart, in Participant Availability subview, 12.19
group calendars, about using, 12.8


Online help keyboard shortcuts (table), 15.3.6
home page
edit layout buttons (table), 13.1
overview, 2.1.2
query, setting up default queries, 14.7, 14.8
startup view, setting up, 14.3
home pages
screens, 4.11
how do i
button, 4.4, 4.4
HTML editor
Find/Replace function, using, 11.3
outgoing email, specifying edit mode, 14.5
toolbar button descriptions (table), 11.3
using, 11.3
hyperlinks in records, described, 5.11


about, 6.1
using iHelp Map, 6.3
using to complete tasks, 6.2
data, 11.6
predefined mapping, 11.6
Inbox overview, 2.7
Internet Explorer
settings for printing the calendar, 2.4


keyboard shortcuts
about modes, 15.3
application management, table of, 15.3.8
basic-mode keyboard shortcuts, about, 15.2.2
communication management, table of, 15.3.7
data management, table of, 15.3.1
extended-mode keyboard shortcuts, about, 15.2.1
layout management, table of, 15.3.5
navigation, table of, 15.3.2, 15.3.4
Online help, table of, 15.3.6
query management, table of, 15.3.3


layout management
keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.5
link bar
about,, 4.14
about, 4.15
active record indicator, 4.15
common buttons, 4.19
scroll bars, 4.15
logging in
data access and responsibilities, about, 2.3
enabling QuickStart agent, about, 2.2
exiting the Siebel application, 2.8
long form, described, 4.16


meeting email prompt, setting up, 14.13.6
menu button
described, 4.19
record, using to create, 5.1
records, using to delete, 5.8
merging records, 5.17
message bar
about, 4.20
customizing, 14.10
fast-forwarding or reversing through messages, 4.20
Monthly view
about, 12.2
activities, adding to view, 12.11
activities, viewing, 12.10
multi-value group fields, about exporting, 11.7


keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.2, 15.3.4
using Site Map, 4.5
New button, using to create a record, 5.1
New query button, 4.4
notes, attaching to records, 5.16


Online help
keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.6
compound query operators (table), 8.10
simple query operators (table), 8.9
option buttons, described and example, 3.6
Owner field, about using to reassign activities, 12.21


Send Page command, 11.2
chart display, setting up default, 14.13.9
email prompt, setting up, 14.13.6
nonrecurring activities, removing from, 12.20
Participant Availability subview
about and using, 12.7
participant chart display, setting up default, 14.13.9
See predefined queries
personal information manager (PIM) server, about using to synchronize, 10.3
screen tabs, showing or hiding, 14.12
view tabs, showing or hiding, 14.12
plus sign (+), using in Explorer view, 4.18
predefined mapping, about using to import, 11.6
predefined queries
about and example, 8.1.1
modifying, 8.11
primary employee, about deleting activities from the calendar, 12.14
by running reports, 5.10
calendar, 12.28
calendar, Internet Explorer settings for, 2.4
quick print, 5.10
records, 5.10
using Web browser, 5.10


about, 8.1
blank spaces, use of, 8.11
calendar, running for activities in, 12.27
canceling, 8.5
creating, 8.2
default queries, about using, 8.7
default queries, setting up, 14.7, 14.8
deleting, 8.4
drop-down list, about, 4.4, 8.2
executing, 8.2
keyboard shortcuts, table of, 15.3.3
predefined, about and example, 8.1.1
predefined, modifying, 8.11
query operators, compound (table), 8.10
query operators, simple (table), 8.9
refining, 8.3
report data, limiting, 11.1
results list, about viewing, 8.11
saving, 8.2
saving using another name, 8.11
telephone number, about, finding, and example, 8.8
tips when creating and executing queries, 8.11
user-defined queries, about, 8.2
Query Assistant
about and using, 8.6
Query By Example, 8.2
quick fill
deleting templates, 14.14
inactivating templates, 14.14
reactivating templates, 14.14
renaming templates, 14.14
using to create records, 5.2
quick print
button, 4.4
changing Web browser security for, 2.5
setting up preferences, 14.4
using, 5.10
QuickStart agent
about, 2.2
enabling, 2.2


radio buttons, described and example, 3.6
record count, 5.12
record navigation buttons, about and figure, 4.16.2
records, working with
about, 3.1
about entering characters to find, 7.4
accessing record information, 5.13
advanced sort, performing, 5.22
application-level menu, using to create a record, 5.1
associating records using shuttle dialog box, 7.3
associating records using single selection dialog box, 7.2
canceling changes, 5.7
column size changes, saving, 5.24
Columns Displayed dialog box, button descriptions (table), 5.21
columns, changing display of, 5.21
columns, locking, 5.23
columns, resizing, 5.24
deleting a record using the application-level menu, 5.8
deleting records using the menu button, 5.8
duplicate records, merging, 5.17
editing a record, 5.4
existing record, copying, 5.3
file, attaching to a record, 5.19
file, attaching using drag-and-drop, 5.19
file, attaching using the New File button, 5.19
files, attaching using the New URL button, 5.20
flagging records, procedure and figure, 5.15
hyperlinks, using, 5.11
menu button, creating a record using, 5.1
merging records, 5.13.1
multiple records, changing, 5.5
New button, using to create a record, 5.1
new records, about identifying, 5.14
notes, attaching to records, 5.16
printing, 5.10
records, about creating, 5.1
shortcuts, creating, 11.5
sorting on one column, 5.22, 5.22
specific record, finding in a selection dialog box, 7.4
spell checking, 5.18
subview, about using (figure), 4.12.3
URLs, attaching to records, 5.20
about and accessing, 11.1
button, 4.4
controls, described (table), 11.1
queries, role of, 11.1
running, 11.1
about, 2.3


Sample database, about, 2.1.1
Save All button, about using, 12.17
Save This One button, about using, 12.17
data, methods to, 5.6
recurring activities, 12.17
screen tab, 4.10
about, 4.10
drop-down arrow, 4.13
home pages, 4.11
order of screen tab appearance, changing, 14.12
setting up default view for, 14.12
showing or hiding screen tabs, 14.12
tabs, about, 4.10
scroll bars
horizontal, described, 4.15.2
vertical, described and using, 4.15.1
button, about, 4.4
defining proximity, 14.6
Find/Replace function, using, 11.3
references, 14.6
select buttons
about, 7.1
described and using example, 3.8
multiple, 3.8
single, 3.8
selection dialog box
Find drop-down list, about using, 7.4
launching, 7.1
record, finding a specific record, 7.4
shuttle, 7.1
single, 7.1
using shuttle dialog box to associate records, 7.3
using single selection to associate records, 7.2
using, about, 7, 8
Send Email command
about, 11.2
attached items, viewing list of all, 11.2
Send Fax command, about, 11.2
Send Page command, about, 11.2
Send Wireless message command, about, 11.2
short form, described, 4.16
shortcuts, creating, 11.5
show more button, described, 4.15.3
shuttle dialog box
using to associate records, 7.3
Siebel application
exiting, 2.8
Siebel application toolbar
See toolbar
Siebel bookmarks (URL), adding to email or document, 11.4
Siebel shortcut, creating, 11.5
simple query operators (table), 8.9
single selection dialog box
using to associate records, 7.2
Site Map
button, about, 4.4
described, 4.5
using to navigate to screens, 4.5
snooze time for alarms
default, setting, 14.13.5
snoozing an alarm, 12.25
about, 5.22
advanced sort, performing, 5.22
on one column, 5.22, 5.22
spell checking
defaults, setting, 14.9
outgoing messages, automatically checking, 14.9
spell checking records, about, 5.18
startup view, setting up, 14.3
stepping off the record, saving data, 5.6
Strict Date Format
User Preferences, 3.10
subview, about, 4.12.3
synchronizing data
about and example, 10.1
initiating, 10.2.1
personal information manager (PIM) server, 10.3
process, reason to synchronize, 10.1
user preferences, about setting up, 14.15
system administrator
responsibilities, 2.3


tasked-based cancel button
described, 9.3
tasked-based next button
described, 9.3
tasked-based next/finish button
described, 9.3
tasked-based pause button
described, 9.3
tasked-based previous button
described, 9.3
button, 4.4
completing with iHelp, 6.2
telephone number, querying, 8.8
templates, quick fill, 5.2
text editor
about and using, 3.3.1
text fields
about and using, 3.3
characters and numbers, amount allowable, 3.3
gray background, about, 3.3
text editor, about and using, 3.3.1
text fields, about using, 3.3
third-party application
about using personal information manager (PIM) server, 10.3
thread bar
described, 4.9
drilling across, 4.9, 5.11
time zone
and alarms, 14.2
setting a default, 14.2
time zone, changing in calendar, 12.26
To Do list
about and viewing, 12.2
activities, adding to list, 12.12
completed, marking as, 12.16
application, buttons, 4.4
application, described and location, 4.4, 4.4
HTML Editor, button descriptions (table), 11.3


Undo Record, using, 5.7
email or document, adding to, 11.4
New URL button, using to attach URLs to record, 5.20
records, attaching URLs to, 5.20
user preferences
alarm snooze time, setting default, 14.13.5
alarms, setting default alarm times, 14.13.4
alarms, turning on default alarms for all calendar activities, 14.13.3
another user's calendar, setting up as your default, 14.13.8
calendar activity duration, setting default, 14.13.2
calendar day, changing length of, 14.13.1
calendar view, setting up default, 14.13.7
email, specifying edit mode of outgoing email, 14.5
meeting email prompt, setting up, 14.13.6
message bar, customizing, 14.10
participant chart display, setting up default, 14.13.9
Profile view, about availability fields, 14.16
queries, setting up default queries, 14.7, 14.8
quick print, setting up, 14.4
screen tabs, changing order of appearance, 14.12
screen tabs, showing or hiding, 14.12
screen, setting up default view for, 14.12
search, 14.6
spell checking defaults, setting, 14.9
spell checking outgoing messages, 14.9
startup view, setting up, 14.3
synchronization user preferences, about setting up, 14.15
time zone, setting a default time zone, 14.2
view tabs, changing order of appearance, 14.12
view tabs, showing or hiding, 14.12
weekly calendar view, setting up default, 14.13.7
user-defined queries, about, 8.2


vertical scroll bars
described and using, 4.15.1
Viewing Saved Queries, 14.8
about, 4.12.2
link bar, about,, 4.14
not available, 4.12.2
order of view tab appearance, changing, 14.12
showing or hiding view tabs, 14.12
tabs hidden, 4.12.2
tabs, about, 4.12.2
visibility, about, 2.3


Web browser
back, 2.6
changing security for quick print, 2.5
forward, 2.6
history, 2.6
Weekly views
about, 12.2
activities, adding to view, 12.11
activities, viewing, 12.10
default view, setting up, 14.13.7
wireless devices, sending message to, 11.2