Scales server

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data of the internal MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application program type Scales server can be updated, i.e. created, changed or deleted, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows for a special operating mode at sales counters in bakeries and butchers – the so-called "Scales server". The salesperson can thus make recordings at any terminal linked to the scales server and the receipt for all items purchased can be finalised at any of these terminals, i.e. item or department recordings of one salesperson are collected by the scales server.

The prerequisite for this special operating mode is link of a scales server to all terminals which are to operate in this way.



POS client and server in an installation do not need to have the same program version installed. The data is converted "on the fly":

Error-free communication between POS clients is only possible if the program versions are the same.


This applies particularly at present to the following client types:


Procedure for setting up terminals in operating mode "Scales server":

Remarks on data fields

All options available for update of the basic data have been described below.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:

Appl. name

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select the program type Position server by clicking on this field and with a second click confirming the option required.

The following program types are offered:


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the application for which the data is to be updated. The number of the next free program can be ascertained by clicking on button indem Sie die "Next free no.". An information window then shows the next free no. which can be used.

If new programming is required the next free no. should be entered in Key fields.

If changes or deletions are necessary the data record can be called up from a number entry in the key fields. An unknown data record can be selected via the Search function.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

The internal name of the application, e.g “Scales server” should be netered her. This name must be spelled in exactly the same way as entered in field  Program name of the linked processing unit.

FSM file

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

This field has no implications in program type "Scales server".

4GL file

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

This field has no implications in program type "Scales server".

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99

This field has no implications in program type "Scales server".

Form no.

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999999

This field has no implications in program type "Scales server".


Field with firmly defined selection options

Enter a value to define the timeout of the scales server.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin