Application (DTM upgrade)

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

Data of the internal MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application program DTM (DTMClient) can be updated with this program, i.e. new data can be programmed, other data can be changed or cleared. Stored data can be displayed for information purposes.

Individual programs, independent of the program type, are linked to the appropriate groups. The entry mask for the programs of each group can differ as data for the program call-up has to be updated independent of the Program type.

Path ..\fglDTM must be entered in the environment variables OSCAR_FGLPATH of initialisation file oscar.ini to ensure functionality of the DTM upgrade in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. Call up the FGL file "dofglDTM.fgl" in the language required (e.g. oscar dofglDTM.fgl deutsch) so that the window of the update program required is generated for the DTM update programs.

A Process unit, type Oscar Client must have been programmed for the user program DTMClient. The name for this application in field Program name should be the same. The option "with graphics" should be set for the process unit to ensure that a DTM command is displayed.

Remarks on data fields

All options available for update of the basic data have been described below.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:

Field with firmly defined selection options.

Select a type of program by clicking onto the field and double clicking onto the type of program required.

The following types of program are available:


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

The application ID no. is generated automatically by the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. A free no. should be entered in the key fields for new programming only.

Call up the data record from an entry in the key fields if changes or clearing is required. The Search can be used to select the data record if the number is not known.

Program name

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

The internal name of the application is entered in this field.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

The internal name of the FSM file is entered in this field. FSM stands for Finite State Machine. These files describe the functioning.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

The internal name of the 4GL file is entered in this field. 4GL is an interpreter language and is used to write report programs. The commands of a 4GL program are interpreted during operation run. Users with sufficient knowledge of the 4GL language can adapt the reports to suit their own requirements.

Appl. group

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99

Enter the number of the user group to which this application is to be linked.

The Search can be used if the data record no. is not known.

Access by operators to application sectors (sales, stocks, organisation, etc.) can be restricted. Access authorisation for programs in a user group can be defined in a group profile. The user can thus define which operator can deal with which activities in which sector.

Form no.

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999999

The number of the frame of this application is displayed in this field or is entered with a new program. The frame no. refers to a form which defines the layout of the program window as it appears on the screen.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the no. of the company with which this DTM application is to operate. The Search can be used if the no. of the data record is not known.

From branch

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 999999

Enter the number of the first branch with which DTM is to establish contact. All other branches will then be selected. The Search can be used to select the correct data record.

Please note that several DTM applications can be set up to define various companies and branches as favourites for the selection sequence.

To branch

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 999999

Enter the number of the branch which is to be contacted next. All other existing companies are then selected. The Search can be used to select the correct data record.

Please note that several DTM applications can be set up to define various companies and branches as favourites for the selection sequence.


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the debug levels offered by clicking onto the field and then double clicking the debug level required.

The system offers the following debug levels:

Only select debug level if an error analysis protocol is required for the DTM. The details are provided in file "errlog" in directory work of the appropriate system unit.

Fgl. Fkt. UpdInstall

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.


Fgl. Fkt. GetStatistik

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.



MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin