EFT Service

The program description is divided up as follows:

Remarks on program function

The data of the internal MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application program of type EFT Service can be updated, i.e. created, changed or deleted, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application supports the use of the following Wireless EFT's:

 Click onto the graphic for further help with the Wireless EFT's.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:

Appl. Name

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select the program type EFT Service by clicking onto the field and defining what is required with a second click.

The following types of program are available:


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Changes or clear operations are possible after entering the number in the key fields. If the number is not known, it can be selected with Search.

If a new data record is to be programmed, a free number should be entered in the key fields.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

The internal name of the application e. g. "EFT Service" should be entered in this field.

The name used here must be entered in the field Program name of the assigned process unit. Please ensure that the spelling is identical.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

The internal name of the FSM file should be entered in this field. FSM stands for Finite State Machine. The function procedures are defined in this file.

Default = EFTServiceF.H


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Default = EFTService.fgl.

Appl. group

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99

Of no significance for the program type "Price terminal".

Form no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999999

Of no significance for the program type "EFT Service".


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Default= EFTService




MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin