Each language Commerce Cloud supports matches an ISO locale. For example, English (Australian) matches the en_AU locale.

When you first set up your Commerce Cloud site, you select a default language for your store. This is the language seen by visitors who are not logged-in shoppers. When a registered shopper logs in, they can also select a language from a list of supported languages that appears at the top of each page of your store. The language they select is saved to their profile as their preferred language.

Important: Do not change your store’s default language once you set it, especially if you have already created catalog items like products, SKUs, and collections.

You must create all catalog items in your store’s default language and then translate it into the additional languages your store supports. See Prepare your catalog for translation and Import translations for catalog items for more information.

You can translate the values for short-text and rich-text properties for all catalog items. For example:

You can also translate store text that is not part of the catalog, for example, labels, messages, and help tips. See Translate store text for more information.

The shopper’s browser locale controls the format of numbers, including dates and prices. You cannot manually change or customize number, date, or currency formats.

Note: Your store can support more than one currency. For information about selecting a default currency when you set up the store, see Enter basic store information. For information about displaying prices in other currencies, see Configure Price Groups.

Emails your store sends are already translated into all the languages that Commerce Cloud supports. You can customize the email text in all the languages your store supports. See Configure Email Settings for more information. Emails are sent in the language of the shopper’s browser when the event that triggered the email took place. For example, if a shopper places an order from a browser whose locale was set to ES, the service sends the Spanish translation of the Order Placed email.

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