Deal Metrics

The Deal Metrics zone enables you to view the following information through a tiles chart for deals which are assigned to the user for approval:
  • Number of deals created by the user

  • Number of deals in the Pending for Approval status

  • Number of deals yet to be finalized

  • Number of deals yet to be accepted by the customer

  • Number of deals accepted by the customer

  • Number of deals rejected by the customer

In addition, you can view the above information through a bar and line chart by toggling the Tiles/Chart switch available in the Deal Metrics zone.

The bar chart indicates the number of deals in different statuses for an existing customer, existing account, and prospect. Whereas, the line chart indicates the deal revenue from an existing customer, existing account, and prospect.
Note: By default, the above information is shown for the period which is specified in the Deal Limits in Months option type of the C1-DEAL feature configuration. You can change the period if required.

You can filter the information using various criteria (such as, Period From, Period To, Division, Customer Tier, and Customer Segment) available in the Deal Metrics zone.

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