Extracting a Deal in the PDF or Excel Format


To extract a deal in the pdf or excel format:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want to...Then...
    Extract a deal in the PDF or Excel format from the Deal Dashboard screen
    1. Search for the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Dashboard screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the Print ( The Print Icon ) icon in the Print Deal column corresponding to the deal which you want to extract in the pdf or excel format.

    Note: If the deal has multiple versions, click the Print ( The Print Icon ) icon in the Print Deal column corresponding to the deal version in the Deal Versions zone.
    Extract a deal in the PDF or Excel format from the Deal Information screen
    1. Search for the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Dashboard screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Deal Information column corresponding to the deal which you want to extract in the pdf or excel format.
      Note: If you want to extract the deal version in the pdf of excel format, click the link in the Deal Version Information column corresponding to the deal version from the Deal Versions zone.

      The Deal Information screen appears.

    3. In the Deal Information zone, click the Print Deal button.

    Extract a deal in the PDF or Excel format from the Deal Approver Dashboard screen
    1. Search for the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Approver Dashboard screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the Print ( The Print Icon ) icon in the Print Deal column corresponding to the deal which you want to extract in the pdf or excel format.

    The Deal Extraction screen appears. It contains the following fields:
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Extract Format Used to specify the format in which you want to extract the deal information. The valid values are:
    • Excel

    • PDF

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting a deal in the pdf or excel format.
    Extract Type Used to indicate the type of deal information that you want to extract for publishing. The valid values are:
    • External - Used to extract deal information which is published to the customer for approval. It contains the following details:

      1. Extraction information i.e. the extraction date-time and the user who has done the extraction.

      2. Details of the filters selected for extraction.

      3. Deal details such as the deal creator user ID, deal creation date and time, deal ID, deal type, prospect/customer, currency, deal status etc.

      4. Customer hierarchy, accounts and price item details as per the filter option selected in the Deal Extraction screen.

      5. Price item details such as the original price with assignment level, commitments, negotiated price with assignment level, approval status, etc.

      6. Terms and conditions.


      The External extract type controls the extraction of certain data which may or may not be published to the customer.

      You can select the External option from the Extract Type list when the deal is in the Finalized, Customer Accepted, Rejected, Fully Orchestrated, Pending for Review, or Closed status.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting a deal in the pdf or excel format.
    • Internal - Used to extract deal information which is published for internal reviews and validations. It contains the following details:

      1. Deal summary details and Division summary details with the applicable cost, profitability, revenue and other calculations.

      2. Price item details such as the cost and revenue details etc.

      3. Adhoc revenue and cost entries.


      By default, the Internal option is selected from the Extract Type list for deals which are not in the Finalized, Customer Accepted, Rejected, Fully Orchestrated, Pending for Review, or Closed status.

      The list includes only those values which are present in the DEAL_​EXTRACT_​TYPE_​FLG lookup field.

    Extract Filter Used to indicate the price item information that you want to extract in the pdf or excel format. The valid values are:
    • Account

    • Additional Filter Criteria

    • All

    • Customer

    • Division

    • Only Hierarchy

    • Price Assignment Level

    • Price Item

    • Price Item Group

    Note: The list includes only those values which are present in the DEAL_​EXTRACT_​FILTER_​FLG lookup field.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting a deal in the pdf or excel format.

    In addition, the Deal Extraction screen contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Account ID Used to specify the persons or prospects account for which you want to extract the price item pricing details.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Prospect Account Search window appears where you can search for the respective account.

    This field appears when you select the Account option from the Extract Filter list.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting the proposed price item pricing details of an account.
    Price Item Used to specify the price item for which you want to extract the pricing details.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Price Item Search window appears where you can search for the respective price item.

    This field appears when you select the Account, Customer, and Price Item options from the Extract Filter list.

    Price Item Group Code Used to specify the root level hierarchy entity for which you want to extract the price item pricing details.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Hierarchy Entity Search window appears where you can search for the respective root level hierarchy entity.

    This field appears when you select the Account, Customer, and Price Item Group options from the Extract Filter list.

    Proposed Price Assignment Level Used to extract the proposed price item pricing details for a particular assignment level.

    The list includes only those values which are present in the PA_​LVL_​FLG lookup field.

    This field appears when you select the Account, Customer, Price Assignment Level, Price Item, and Price Item Group options from the Extract Filter list.

    This field is disabled when you select the Show Price Assignment for Child Entities field check box.

    Show Price Assignment for Child Entities Used to indicate whether you want to extract the proposed price item price assignment details of the non-root level hierarchy entity.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Account, Customer, Price Assignment Level, Price Item, and Price Item Group options from the Extract Filter list.
    Current Approval User ID Used to extract the details of the proposed price item pricing which is approved by a particular user.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the User Search window appears where you can search for the respective root user.

    This field appears when you select the Additional Filter Criteria option from the Extract Filter list.

    This field is disabled when you specify the Price Item Manager To Do Role or Price Approval Status.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting the proposed price item pricing details approved by a particular user.
    Price Item Manager To Do Role Used to extract the details of the proposed price item pricing which is assigned using a particular price item manager To Do role.

    This field appears when you select the Additional Filter Criteria option from the Extract Filter list.

    This field is disabled when you specify the Current Approval User ID or Price Approval Status.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting the proposed price item pricing details assigned to a particular price item manager To Do role.
    Price Approval Status Used to extract the details of the proposed price item pricing which are in a particular status. The valid values are:
    • Approved

    • Approved-Existing

    • Approved-Recommended

    • Error

    • Initial

    • Unapproved


    This field appears when you select the Additional Filter Criteria option from the Extract Filter list.

    This field is disabled when you specify the Current Approval User ID or Price Item Manager To Do Role.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting the details of the proposed price item pricing in a particular status.
    Person ID Used to extract the details of the proposed price items pricing of a particular person.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Prospect Person Search window appears where you can search for the respective person.

    This field appears when you select the Additional Filter Criteria option from the Extract Filter list.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting the details of the proposed price item pricing of a particular person.
    Division Used to extract the details of the proposed price items pricing from a particular division.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Customer option from the Extract Filter list.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while extracting the details of the proposed price item pricing from a particular division.
  2. Enter the required details in the Deal Extraction screen.
  3. Click Extract.
    The deal is extracted in the pdf or excel format.
    Note: You cannot extract a deal which is in the Discarded status.

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