Global Information Record

This is a "header" record that contains information about the extract run as a whole.

Note: Please be aware that if you do not sort your extract file by CIS Sort Key after it is produced, this record will physically be the last record on the extract file. Also note that this record will only be produced by the various letter extract processes if you supply the appropriate parameter value (CNTL-REC-SW=Y). Refer to Extract Processes for more information about the letter extract programs.
The following table lists the header elements that contain information about the extract run:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Print Key A4 "0010"
CIS Sort Key A26 This is blank for this record type only.
CIS Mailing Key A15 This is blank for this record type only.
BATCH_​CD A8 CI_​BATCH_​INST / The CIS Batch Process that called the Letter Extract COBOL routine
BATCH_​NBR N10 CI_​BATCH_​INST / A sequence number for serial instances of a Batch Process over time
BATCH_​RERUN_​NBR N10 CI_​BATCH_​INST / The number of times a particular batch has been re-run since its initial run
Letter Count [Artificial] N10 Total number of letters in this extract
Date/Time [Artificial] A26 System time of extraction.
CC Id Start [Artificial] A10 The lowest CC ID in a particular thread in the extract
CC Id End [Artificial] A10 The highest CC ID in a particular thread in the extract
BATCH_​THREAD_​NBR N10 CI_​BATCH_​THD / Identifies a thread distinctly within a group of threads
Thread Count [Artificial] N10 Total number of threads in the extract run