Workflow Process / Event Record

This record contains information about the workflow process and event that triggered the letter. If the letter was not triggered by a workflow event, this record will not be created. So, there will be at most one workflow event record for a letter.

The following table lists the fields that appear in the workflow event record:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Print Key A4 "1500"
CIS Sort Key A26
CIS Mailing Key A15
WF_​PROC_​ID A10 CI_​WF_​EVT / Workflow Event whose event context is the customer contact being processed.
EVT_​SEQ N3 CI_​WF_​EVT / / Workflow Event whose event context is the customer contact being processed.
WF_​PP_​CD A12 CI_​WF_​PROC / Workflow process profile of the workflow process.
NT_​UP_​XTYPE_​CD A30 CI_​WF_​PROC / Notification Upload Type that caused the creation of this process.
DESCR50 A50 CI_​NT_​UP_​XTYPE/ Description of the notification upload type.
CRE_​DTTM DT26 CI_​WF_​PROC / Date/time that the workflow process was created.
CTXT_​VAL_​ACCT A50 CI_​WF_​PROC_​CTXT /Context value where the value of the context flag is ACCT.
CTXT_​VAL_​MSA A50 CI_​WF_​PROC_​CTXT /Context value where the value of the context flag is MSA.
CTXT_​VAL_​SPR A50 CI_​WF_​PROC_​CTXT /CTXT_​VAL where the value of the context flag is SPR.
CTXT_​VAL_​SP A50 CI_​WF_​PROC_​CTXT /CTXT_​VAL where the value of the context flag is SP.
CTXT_​VAL_​XACC A50 CI_​WF_​PROC_​CTXT /CTXT_​VAL where the value of the context flag is XACC.