Mailing Information Record

One record is produced for every letter to be printed.

The following table lists the fields that appear in the mailing record:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Print Key A4 "1100"
CIS Sort Key A26
CIS Mailing Key A15
ENTITY_​NAME1 A64 If an override mailing name has been specified on the CI_​PER row, this field contains the first line of the person's override mailing name (OVRD_​MAIL_​NAME1). Otherwise, the person's primary name is used (ENTITY_​NAME).
ENTITY_​NAME2 A64 If an override mailing name has been specified on the CI_​PER row, this field contains the 2 nd line of the person's override mailing name (OVRD_​MAIL_​NAME2). Otherwise, this field is blank.
ENTITY_​NAME3 A64 If an override mailing name has been specified on the CI_​PER row, this field contains the 3 rd line of the person's override mailing name (OVRD_​MAIL_​NAME3). Otherwise, this field is blank.
ADDRESS_​SBR A361 See below for the fields. Refer to Where Does The Address Come From? for the source of the address information.