Overdue Process / Event Record

This record contains information about the overdue process and event that triggered the letter. If the letter was not triggered by an overdue event, this record will not be created. So, there will be at most one overdue event record for a letter.

Refer to the sample overdue process event extract algorithm for information about the fields below whose source is Extract Algorithm.

The following table lists the fields that appear in the overdue event record:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Print Key A4 "1600"
CIS Sort Key A26
CIS Mailing Key A15
OD_​PROC_​ID A10 CI_​OD_​PROC_​LOG / Overdue process that triggered the letter.
OD_​EVT_​SEQ N3 CI_​OD_​PROC_​LOG / Overdue event that triggered the letter.
ACCT_​ID N10 CI_​OD_​PROC / Account being collected on.
OD_​PROC_​TEMPL_​CD A12 CI_​OD_​PROC / Overdue process template.
DESCR C30 CI_​OD_​PROC_​TEMPL / Description of the overdue process template.
CRE_​DTTM DT26 CI_​OD_​PROC / Date/time that the overdue process was created.
Original Unpaid Amt N13.2 Extract Algorithm/ Amount owed on all objects being collected by the overdue process when the overdue process was created.
Unpaid Amt N13.2 Extract Algorithm/ Amount still owed on all objected being collected by the overdue process.
CURRENCY_​CD C3 CI_​OD_​PROC / Currency for the amount.
Info String 1 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 1 being collected
Info String 2 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 2 being collected
Info String 3 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 3 being collected
Info String 4 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 4 being collected
Info String 5 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 5 being collected