Letter Record

One record is produced for every letter to be printed.

The following table lists the fields that appear in the letter record:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Print Key A4 "1000"
CIS Sort Key A26
CIS Mailing Key A15
CC_​ID A10 CI_​CC / System-assigned identifier for a Customer Contact.
PER_​ID A10 CI_​CC / System-assigned identifier for the Person who will receive the letter.
CC_​DT D10 CI_​CC / The date of the Customer Contact.
CC_​TM T15 CI_​CC / The time of the Customer Contact.
CC_​CL_​CD A4 CI_​CC / The category of contact.
CC_​TYPE_​CD A12 CI_​CC / The type of contact within the category.
LTR_​TMPL_​CD A12 CI_​CC / The template of the letter.
LTR_​DT D10 From the current system date/time - the date to print on the letter.