Dispute Details

The Dispute Details zone lists the credit/debit bill line items (such as bill segments and adjustments) that you have added to the dispute request. This zone contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Entity Type Indicates whether the entity is a bill, bill segment, or an adjustment.
Entity ID Displays the entity ID.
Currency Indicates the currency in which the entity was created.
Dispute Amount Displays the entity amount.
Adjustment Type Indicates the adjustment type using which the dispute adjustment must be created.

By default, the adjustment type specified in the dispute request type appears in this column. You can change the adjustment type, if required, by editing the dispute request.

It has a link. On clicking the link, the Adjustment Type screen appears where you can view the details of the respective adjustment.

Stop Auto Pay Displays whether to stop auto payment or not. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Entity Information Displays information about the entity. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the respective entity screen appears with the details of the respective entity.

On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the entity type as Bill, the Dispute Adjustments and Previous Dispute Requests zones appears with the details of the respective bill.

The Dispute Details zone appears when the status is Processed.

Dispute Amount currency will be same as bill or invoice currency. It cannot be zero or null. It will be less than or equal to the original, outstanding bill amount, or bill line item amount if the bill line item contains multiple contract.

In addition to above columns, this screen contains following buttons:

Button Name Button Description
Edit Used to edit the details of bill line items.
Delete Used to delete the bill line items.