Deal Creation

While creating a deal, you need to specify various details, such as entity for which you want to create the deal, simulation type, deal type, deal date range, price selection date, deal frequency, usage period, review frequency, deal version, etc. You can maintain different versions of a deal. A deal version feature facilities you to perform what-if analysis. Through each deal version, you can analyze the cost, revenue, and profitability for a different set of proposed pricing and commitments. However, you can only send one best version of a deal for the approval. The system then automatically discards the other versions in a deal.

A deal type helps the system to determine:

  • Whether the pricing for each price item should be approved in the deal.

  • Whether the deal should be assigned to users for approval as per the limits defined in the deal approval profile.

  • Whether the pricing and financial summary should be approved by the respective division.

  • Whether the highest level approval is required for the deal.

  • Whether the existing pricing should be pre-approved in the deal.

  • The deal approval profile that should be used for a division level approval.

  • The deal approval profile that should be used for the deal level approval based on the division, customer segment, and customer tier combination.

Whereas, the deal approval profile helps the system to determine:

  • Different levels in the division or deal approval hierarchy which can approve the pricing and financial summary of the deal.

    Note: At present, you can add an approval level from 0 to 10. If required, you can add more approval levels in the system through the C1_​DEALHIERARCHYLEVEL lookup field.
  • To Do type using which a To Do should be created for the approver at each level.

  • To Do role whose users must receive the To Do for approval.

  • Whether the users at the approval level can propose a new pricing for a price item while approving the deal.

    Note: As per the business requirements, a deal level approver can only propose a new pricing for a price item while approving a deal. However, this feature is currently not implemented and would be available for use in the future release.
  • Whether the users at the approval level can request the respective price item manager to approve the pricing for the price item.

  • Whether the users at the approval level can approve the deal.

  • Whether the users at the approval level should only view those price items for approval for whom floor and ceil limits are defined for the price item.

  • The minimum and maximum profitability, deviation, and revenue which the users at the approval level can approve in the deal.

The system enables you to configure parallel approval at any level in the division or deal approval hierarchy. Once the deal is created in the Draft status, you can either skip the reference or provide the reference.