Editing a Proposed Commitment


To edit a proposed commitment you should have:

  • Proposed commitments defined for a price item


To edit a proposed commitment:

  1. Ensure that price item hierarchy is expanded in the Pricing and Commitments section of the Pricing and Commitments screen.
  2. In the Pricing and Commitments section, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Volume and Commitments column corresponding to the price item whose proposed commitment you want to edit.

    The Pricing and Commitments screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Proposed Commitments - Used to view or edit the proposed commitments of the price item for a customer or an account in a deal.

    • Original Volume - Displays information about the existing commitments of the price item.

    The Proposed Commitments section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Price Item Displays the price item. Not applicable
    Pricing Parameters Indicates the price item parameters which are used along with the price item for determining the price item pricing. Not applicable
    SQI Indicates the service quantity identifier. Not applicable
    Service Quantity Used to specify the SQI value using which the rates engine calculates the price item pricing. Yes
  3. Modify the required details in the Proposed Commitments section.
    Note: You cannot edit a proposed commitment of a price item if the deal or deal version is in the Finalized status.
  4. Click Save.
    The changes made to the proposed commitment is saved.

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