
The Filters zone enables you to search for price items in the customer hierarchy using various filter criteria. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description
Hierarchy Entity Used to search for price items which are associated with a hierarchy entity in an entity hierarchy relationship.

It is a multi-combo box field which enables you to select one or more hierarchy entities from the list.

The list includes all those hierarchy entities to which the price items assigned in the customer's hierarchy are associated.

Price Item Used to search for a particular price item.

It is a multi-combo box field which enables you to select one or more price items from the list.

If you select a hierarchy entity from the Hierarchy Entity field, the list includes all those price items which are associated the selected hierarchy entity. However, if you do not select a hierarchy entity from the Hierarchy Entity field, the list includes all price items which are assigned in the customer's hierarchy.

Pricing Parameters Used to search for price items for which the pricing is defined using a particular parameter and parameter value combination.

It is a multi-combo box field which enables you to select one or more pricing parameters from the list.

If you select a price item from the Price Item field, the list includes all the pricing parameters using which the pricing is defined for the selected price item.

Assignment Level Used to search for price items whose price assignment is defined at a particular level. The valid values are:
  • Account Agreed - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is agreed for the account.

  • Account Inherited Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is inherited from the parent price list hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the account.

  • Account Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list which is assigned to the account.

  • Bundle Pricing - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined for the bundle which is available for the retail banking.

  • Customer Agreed - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is agreed for the customer in the customer hierarchy.

  • Customer Inherited Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is inherited from the parent price list hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the customer.

  • Customer Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list which is assigned to the customer.

  • Default Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing defined in the price list is available in the default price list.

  • Global Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing defined in the price list is available in the global price list.

  • Market Product Pricing - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined for the market product which is available for the retail banking.

  • Offer Pricing - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined for the offer which is available for the retail banking.

  • Parent Customer Agreed - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is agreed for the parent customer in the customer hierarchy.

  • Parent Customer Inherited Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is inherited from the parent price list hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

  • Parent Customer Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

  • Price List - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list.

  • Product Pricing - Used to indicate whether the price item pricing defined in the price list is available for the product pricing.

Advanced Filter Used to search for price items based on the following two options:
  • Selected Price Items - Used to search for price items which are selected for the simulation in the deal.

  • Price Items with Usage - Used to search for price items for which charges exist for the entity.

In addition, the Filters zone contains the following buttons:

Button Name Button Description
Clear All Used to clear all the filter criteria.
Apply Used to filter the data based on the specified criteria.

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