Price Item Hierarchy

The Price Item Hierarchy zone displays the price items and the entity hierarchies to which they are associated. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Hierarchy Entity/Price Item Displays the price items, root level hierarchy entities, and non-root level hierarchy entities in the price item hierarchy which you can offer in the deal.

A check box appears corresponding to the price items and the hierarchy entities which you can select or deselect to include or exclude the price items or the hierarchy entities respectively from the deal.

If the deal is created for an existing customer, the system, by default, selects the following price items:
  • Whose pricing is directly assigned to the customer

  • Whose pricing is inherited by the customer

If the deal is created for an account, the system, by default, considers the following price items:
  • Whose pricing is directly assigned to the account

  • Whose pricing is inherited by the account

If required, you can select or deselect the price item by clicking the check box corresponding to the price item in the price item hierarchy.

Only the selected price items are considered in the deal for simulation.

The hierarchy entities and price items are sorted in the price item hierarchy based on their respective sort sequence. If two or more hierarchy entities and price items have the same sort sequence, then the system sorts them in the ascending alphabetical order of the information string. Also, if the sort sequence is not defined for the hierarchy entities and price items, then the system sorts them in the ascending alphabetical order of the information string.

Similarly, the system sorts the hierarchy entities and price items in the price item hierarchy when the deal information is extracted in the Excel or PDF format for internal or external use.

Pricing Parameters Displays the concatenated string of information about the parameters using which the pricing is defined for the price item.
Note: All price assignments of the price item are sorted in the alphabetical order of the pricing information in the Pricing Parameter column.
Assignment Level Displays the level at which the pricing is defined for the price item. The valid values are:
  • Account Agreed - Indicates whether the price item pricing is agreed for the account.

  • Account Inherited Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is inherited from the parent price list hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the account.

  • Account Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list which is assigned to the account.

  • Bundle Pricing - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined for the bundle which is available for the retail banking.

  • Customer Agreed - Indicates whether the price item pricing is agreed for the customer in the customer hierarchy.

  • Customer Inherited Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is inherited from the parent price list hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the customer.

  • Customer Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list which is assigned to the customer.

  • Default Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing defined in the price list is available in the default price list.

  • Global Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing defined in the price list is available in the global price list.

  • Market Product Pricing - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined for the market product which is available for the retail banking.

  • Offer Pricing - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined for the offer which is available for the retail banking.

  • Parent Customer Agreed - Indicates whether the price item pricing is agreed for the parent customer in the customer hierarchy.

  • Parent Customer Inherited Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is inherited from the parent price list hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

  • Parent Customer Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

  • Price List - Indicates whether the price item pricing is defined in the price list.

  • Product Pricing - Indicates whether the price item pricing defined in the price list is available for the product pricing.

In addition, the header area of the Price Item Hierarchy zone contains the following buttons:

Button Name Button Description
Previous On clicking the Previous button, the previous page appears in the Price Item Hierarchy zone.
Note: The Previous button appears only when the C1-DPIG-ELIG algorithm is attached to the Price Item Group List Filter system event in the deal type used for creating the deal.
Next On clicking the Next button, the next page appears in the Price Item Hierarchy zone.
Note: The Next button appears only when the C1-DPIG-ELIG algorithm is attached to the Price Item Group List Filter system event in the deal type used for creating the deal.
Clear Filter On clicking the Clear Filter button, the filter criteria for selecting the price item is cleared and the entire price item hierarchy appears in the Price Item Hierarchy column.
Expand All On clicking the Expand All button, all nodes in the price item hierarchy are expanded at once.
Collapse All On clicking the Collapse All button, all nodes in the price item hierarchy are collapsed at once.
Select All On clicking the Select All button, all the price items and the hierarchy entities in the price item hierarchy are selected i.e. the check box corresponding to each price item and hierarchy entity in the price item hierarchy is selected.
De-Select All On clicking the De-Select All button, all the price items and the hierarchy entities in the price item hierarchy are de-selected i.e. the check box corresponding to each price item and hierarchy entity in the price item hierarchy is unchecked.
Note: The width of the columns in the Price Item Hierarchy zone can now be resized and adjusted based on the requirement.

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