1.15. Global Settings

The Global Settings dialog can be displayed using the File menu, by clicking the Preferences item. This dialog offers a selection of settings, most of which apply to all virtual machines of the current user. The Extensions option applies to the entire system.

The following settings are available:

  • General. Enables the user to specify the default folder or directory for VM files, and the VRDP Authentication Library.

  • Input. Enables the user to specify the Host key. This is the key that toggles whether the cursor is in the focus of the VM or the Host OS windows, see Section 1.8.2, “Capturing and Releasing Keyboard and Mouse”. The Host key is also used to trigger certain VM actions, see Section 1.8.3, “Typing Special Characters”.

  • Update. Enables the user to specify various settings for Automatic Updates.

  • Language. Enables the user to specify the GUI language.

  • Display. Enables the user to specify the screen resolution, and its width and height. A default scale factor can be specified for all guest screens.

  • Network. Enables the user to configure the details of Host Only Networks.

  • Extensions. Enables the user to list and manage the installed extension packages.

  • Proxy. Enables the user to configure a HTTP Proxy Server.