7.46. VBoxManage cloud instance

Manage the cloud instances.

7.46.1. Synopsis

VBoxManage cloud {--provider=name} {--profile=name} instance create {--domain-name=name} {--image-id=unique id} {--display-name=name} {--shape=type} {--subnet=unique id} {--boot-disk-size=size in GB} [--publicip=true/false] [--privateip=IP address] [--launch-mode=NATIVE/EMULATED/PARAVIRTUALIZED]

VBoxManage cloud {--provider=name} {--profile=name} instance info {--id=unique id}

VBoxManage cloud {--provider=name} {--profile=name} instance terminate {--id=unique id}

VBoxManage cloud {--provider=name} {--profile=name} instance start {--id=unique id}

VBoxManage cloud {--provider=name} {--profile=name} instance pause {--id=unique id}

7.46.2. Description Common options

The subcommands of cloudinstance implement the standard operations for a cloud instance like start/pause/show/terminate. The next common options must be placed between the "cloud" and the following sub-commands:


Short cloud provider name.


Cloud profile name. cloud instance create

VBoxManage cloud {--provider=name} {--profile=name} instance create {--domain-name=name} {--image-id=unique id} {--display-name=name} {--shape=type} {--subnet=unique id} {--boot-disk-size=size in GB} [--publicip=true/false] [--privateip=IP address] [--launch-mode=NATIVE/EMULATED/PARAVIRTUALIZED]

Creates new instance in the Cloud. There are two standard ways to create an instance in the Cloud: 1. Create an instance from an existing custom image. 2. Create an instance from an existing bootable volume. For the 1st approach next parameters are required: image-id and boot-disk-size. For the 2nd approach next parameters are required: boot-volume-id; The rest parameters are common for both cases: display-name, launch-mode, subnet-id, publicIP, privateIP, shape, domain.


Cloud domain where new instance is created.


Unique identifier which fully identifies a custom image in the Cloud.


Name for new instance in the Cloud.


The shape of instance, defines the number of CPUs and RAM memory.


Unique identifier which fully identifies an existing subnet in the Cloud which will be used by the instance.


The size of bootable image in GB. Default is 50GB.


Whether the instance will have a public IP or not.


Private IP address for the created instance.


The most known values here may be EMULATED, NATIVE, PARAVIRTUALIZED. cloud instance info

Display information about a cloud instance with a specified id.


Unique identifier which fully identify the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance termination

Delete a cloud instance with a specified id.


Unique identifier which fully identify the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance start

Start a cloud instance with a specified id.


Unique identifier which fully identify the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance pause

Pause a cloud instance with a specified id.


Unique identifier which fully identify the instance in the Cloud.