SPARC SuperCluster T4-4 Owner's Guide

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Updated: February 2016

Install Service Tools Bundle (STB) for Solaris Only

  1. If needed, download Services Tools Bundle from:

    and click on the Download link.

  2. Untar the STB bundle and run the installation script (

    As part of the installation, select:

    • Type I for "install"

    • Type Y to replace existing SNEEP packages

    • Type Y to replace existing Service Tags packages

      Note -  See Doc ID 1153444.1 to download the latest STB bundle from My Oracle Support (log in required):
  3. Confirm that SNEEP is installed correctly:

    sneep -a

  4. Verify that Service Tags is reporting your system attributes correctly:

    stclient -E

    If the serial number does not display, then register the serial number manually:

    sneep -s serial-number