SPARC SuperCluster T4-4 Owner's Guide

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Updated: February 2016

Register the SPARC T4-4 Server with Oracle Solaris 11 or Database Domains to ASR Manager

Follow this procedure to register the SPARC T4-4 server with Oracle Solaris 11 or Database Domains to the ASR Manager.

  1. Log in to the SPARC T4-4 server as root.
  2. Confirm that the asr-notify service is working:

    # svcs asr-notify

    • If you see the following message:

      svcs: Pattern ???asr-notify' doesn't match any instances

      then confirm that the asr-notify service is installed:

      # pkg list asr-notify

      If you see the following message:

      pkg list: no packages matching ???asr-modify' installed

      then install the asr-notify service:

      # pkg install system/fault-management/asr-notify

      Enter the svcs asr-notify command again to confirm that the asr-notify service is working.

    • If you see the following message:

      # svcs asr-notify
      STATE     STIME       FMRI
      online    16:06:05    svc:/system/fm/asr-notify:default

      then the asr-notify service is installed and is working properly

  3. To register the ASR manager, run:

    # asradm register -e http://asr-manager-host:port-number/asr

    For example:

    # asradm register -e

    You should see screens asking for your Oracle Support account name and password. After entering your Oracle Support account name and password, you should see a notification, saying that your registration is complete:

    Enter Oracle SSO User Name:
    Enter password:
    Registration complete.
  4. Run the following command:

    # asradm list

    The screen output should be similar to the following:

    Status Successfully Registered with ASR manager
    System Id system-identification-number
    Asset Id asset-identification-number
    User username
    Endpoint URL http://asr-manager-host:port-number/asr

    Upon successful results of the above commands, the registration of the ASR Manager is complete.

  5. Repeat these instructions for every SPARC T4-4 server with Oracle Solaris 11 or Database Domains in your SPARC SuperCluster T4-4.
  6. When you have completed these instructions for every SPARC T4-4 server in your SPARC SuperCluster T4-4, approve and verify contacts to the SPARC T4-4 servers on MOS. See Approve and Verify ASR Activation for SPARC SuperCluster T4-4 Assets for those instructions.

    For more information on the process, see ASR MOS 5.3+ Activation Process (Doc ID 1329200.1).