The Ticket Details pane is displayed after opening an existing ticket. The Ticket Details pane includes:

Ticket Summary

The Ticket Summary panel contains ticket information including ticket notes, associated tickets, ticket activity, and the customer information stored within the ticket.

Note: Customer information modified and stored in the Ticket Summary is customer information stored within the individual ticket only. This information is not related to customer profile information stored in the ATG customer profile repository. See Customer Management - Customer Information for more information about customer profile information.

The Ticket Summary panel includes:

Ticket Summary Item



Displays the ticket identification number.

Copy Ticket ID

Copy Ticket ID#. Click to copy the adjacent ticket identification number.

Note: By default, Copy and Paste using Firefox will throw errors. In order to use these functions you must modify your browser preferences in Firefox. For an example see


Displays the source of the ticket.

Assigned to

Displays the name of the user assigned to work on the current ticket.

Escalation Level

Displays the escalation level for the ticket.


Displays the date the current ticket was created.

Last Modified

Displays the date the ticket was last modified or worked on.

Due Date

Displays the ticket due date.

Associate Ticket

Click to associate another ticket (by ID) with the current ticket.

Close Ticket at Duplicate

Click to close the ticket as a duplicate of an existing ticket.

Edit Ticket

Click to edit Ticket Summary information.

Save Ticket

Click to save changes made to the Ticket Summary (available after Ticket Summary is in edit view).


Displays the ticket status.


Displays the assigned owning group (ticket queue) for the current ticket.


Displays the ticket priority.

Select a ticket priority from the Priority drop-down list.


Displays the ticket description.

Modify ticket description as necessary in the Description text box.

Customer Information In Ticket:

First Name

Last Name







Zip Code

Displays customer information.

Modify customer information using the corresponding customer information fields.

Note: Customer information modified and stored in the Ticket Summary is customer information stored within the individual ticket only. This information is not related to customer profile information stored in the ATG customer profile repository. See Customer Management - Customer Information for more information about customer profile information.

Associated Tickets

Expand to view tickets associated with the current ticket. See Associating a Ticket.

Ticket Notes

Expand to view ticket notes associated with the ticket.

Type additional information related to the ticket.

Share with Customer

Select the Share with Customer check box to make Ticket Notes available to customers (displays as a Public Note in the Ticket Activity panel).

Note: Selecting the Share with Customer check box makes the note public and available to customers using your Self Service site.

Add (button)

Click to add Ticket Notes to the Ticket Summary.

Note: Items listed are read-only in the Ticket Summary until the ticket is in an editable state. Click Work on Ticket in the Next Steps panel, and then click the Edit Ticket button.

Ticket Details - Customer Information

The Ticket Details pane Customer Information panel contains customer profile information linked to the ticket. See Customer Management - Customer Information.

The Customer Information panel includes:

Customer Information Item


Profile ID

Customer profile identification number.

Customer Name

Displays customer name (First, Middle, and Last name).


Displays the customer e-mail address.

Date of Birth

Displays customer date of birth.


Displays the customer telephone number.

Login Name

Displays the customer log in name.


Expand to display the customer address.


Expand to display customer membership information.

Link Customer

Click to link an existing customer profile to the ticket.

Create New Customer

Click to create a new customer profile.

Ticket Activity

The Ticket Activity panel contains a summary of ticket activities. Information contained within the Ticket Activity panel includes inbound and outbound interactions and communication (such as e-mail, phone, and SMS messages), and system or user/agent generated activities (such as ticket status changes and assignments) . Ticket related activities recorded and tracked from other ATG applications (such as ATG Commerce Service Center) are also displayed in the Ticket Activity panel.

Note: The Ticket Activity panel is sorted in reverse chronological order (most recent activity first) by default.

The Ticket Activity panel includes:

Ticket Activity Item



Select an Activity Type from the Filter drop-down list to filter the Ticket Activity results by activity.

Note: Depending on the other ATG applications you are using with ATG Ticketing, some activity types may, or may not, be available in the Ticket Activity list.


Indicates the type of activity.


Displays the source of the activity (user or customer name, or other activity source such as a system message) .


Displays the activity description.


Displays the date and time the ticket activity occurred.