The Customer Management pane is displayed after opening an existing customer profile.

The Customer Management pane includes:

Customer Management - Customer Information

The Customer Information panel contains customer profile information. Customer information can be viewed in:

Note: Click the Edit Customer button in read-only view to change Customer Information to edit view.

The Customer Information panel includes:

Customer Information Item


Save Customer Information

Displayed in edit view only.

Click to save changes made to customer information in edit view.


Displayed in edit view only.

Click to cancel any changes made to customer information.

Reset Password

Displayed in edit view only.

Click to reset customer password.

Profile ID

Displays the customer profile identification number (in read-only view).

First Name

Type or modify customer first name in the First Name text box.

Last Name

Type or modify customer last name in the Last Name text box.

Middle Name

Type or modify customer middle name in the Middle Name text box.


Type customer date of birth in the DOB (date of birth) text box (mm/dd/yyyy).


Click the calendar icon to select a specific date.


Type or modify customer e-mail address in the Email text box.


Select customer gender from the Gender drop-down list.


Type or modify customer telephone number in the Phone text box.

Login Name

Type or modify customer login name in the Login Name text box.

Home Address

Type or modify customer street address in the Home Address text box.


Type or modify customer country in the country text box.


Select customer state from the State drop-down list.

Zip Code

Type or modify customer zip or postal code in the Zip Code text box.


Select whether or not the customer is a member or registered user.

Receive email

Select whether or not the customer would like to receive e-mail.

Read-only in Edit view:


Displays customer registration.

Last emailed

Displays the date of the last e-mail sent to the customer (if applicable).

Ticket History

The Ticket History panel contains a detailed list of tickets related to the current customer profile.

The Ticket History panel includes:

Ticket History Item



Select a filter type from the Filter drop-down list to filter the Ticket History results.

Note: Selecting a filter will refresh the ticket list, showing only those tickets that match the selected filter type criteria.


Displays the ticket identification number.

Click to open the ticket in Ticket Summary view.

Copy Ticket ID

Click to copy the adjacent ticket ID to the clipboard.

Note: By default, Copy and Paste using Firefox will throw errors. In order to use these functions you must modify your browser preferences in Firefox. For an example see


Displays the number of ticket activities recorded for that ticket.


Displays the ticket description.


Displays the ticket priority.


Displays the length of time the ticket has been open (if ticket is open).

<claim status icon>

Indicates ticket claim status.


Displays ticket status.


Displays the ticket creation date and time.

Due Date

Displays the ticket due date.

Order History

The Order History panel contains a detailed list of orders related to the current customer profile.

Note: Orders are displayed if using ATG Commerce Service Center and Ticketing. See the ATG Commerce Service Center User Guide for more information and instructions about working with ATG Commerce Service Center.

The Order History panel includes:

Order History Item



Displays the order identification number.


Displays the number of items associated with the order.


Displays order total.


Displays the order summary.


Displays the status of the order.


Displays the date the order was submitted.


Displays the date the order was created.