Customer Search allows you to search for customers using customer profile information. See Searching for Customers.

Note: Customer information contained in Customer Search view is based on customer profile information stored in the ATG customer profile repository. You must be using ATG profiles in order to create, view, and manage customer profile information.

Customer Results

The Customer Results panel displays customer information (including linked tickets) based on customer profile search criteria.

Customer Results includes:

Customer Results Item


Sort by

Select to sort customer results (Last Name, First Name, Email, Login Name).

Sort (button)

Click to process sort selection.

Customer Name

(Last name, First name)

Displays the customer name.

Click the customer name to view the customer profile in Customer Management view.

Profile ID

Displays the customer profile identification number.

Login Name




Displays information contained in the customer profile.


Expand to view a list of tickets linked to the customer profile.

Click a ticket ID to display the Ticket Details pane.