Search for tickets using either Quick Search (ticket identification number) or Advanced Search from the Ticket Search pane. See Searching for Tickets.

Note: An advanced ticket search can be performed using customer information. Customer information searched using advanced ticket search attributes is based on customer information stored within an individual ticket only. This information is not related to customer profile information stored in the ATG customer profile repository. See Customer Search for more information about searching using customer profile information.

Quick Search

Search for an existing ticket using the ticket identification number.

Quick Search attributes include:

Quick Search Attribute


Ticket ID

Select the ticket by the ticket ID.

Find (button)

Search for tickets based on ticket ID.

Advanced Search

Search for an existing ticket using advanced search ticket attributes. See Searching for Tickets.

Note: You must select at least one Advanced Search attribute to perform an advanced search. Searching using the ticket ID number will override any other search criteria entered in the Advanced Search panel.

Advanced Search attributes include:

Advanced Search Attribute



Search for tickets using a ticket status.

Note: All Open Statuses includes tickets with a status of Open, Pending, and/or Reopened.


Search for tickets using a group name.

Escalation Level

Search for tickets using an escalation level.

First Name

Last Name



Search using customer information stored within a ticket (Customer Information in Ticket).

Note: Customer information searched using advanced ticket search attributes is based on customer information stored within an individual ticket only. This information is not related to customer profile information stored in the ATG customer profile repository. See Customer Search for more information about searching using customer profile information.


Type a word or phrase to search using ticket description information.

Assigned Agent

Select to search using an assigned Ticketing agent/user name.

Created Date

Select to search for tickets:

By range
Select the In the past option, and then select a date range from the drop-down list (for example; Month) to search using a ticket creation date range.


By specific date(s)
Select the From option, and then type a specific date (mm/dd/yyyy), or date range, to search using specific ticket creation date(s).

Note: You can also click the calendar icon to select a specific date.

Last Modified Date

Select to search for tickets:

By range
Select the In the past option, and then select a date range from the drop-down list (for example; Month) to search using a ticket last modified date range.


By specific date(s)
Select the From option, and then type a specific date (mm/dd/yyyy), or date range, to search using specific ticket last modified date(s).

Note: You can also click the calendar icon to select a specific date.

Find (button)

Click to search for tickets based on advanced ticket search attributes.

Ticket Search Results

The Ticket Search Results panel displays the ticket ID and/or a list of tickets and associated tickets based on ticket search criteria. See Searching for Tickets.

The Ticket Search Results panel includes:

Ticket Search Results Item


Ticket ID

Displays the ticket identification number.

Click to view the Ticket Details pane.

Copy Ticket by ID

Click to copy the adjacent ticket identification number.

Note: By default, Copy and Paste using Firefox will throw errors. In order to use these functions you must modify your browser preferences in Firefox. For an example see


Displays the ticket description.

Created Date

Displays the ticket creation date.


Displays the ticket status.

Customer Information

Expand to view customer profile information linked to the ticket.

Customer Information in Ticket

Expand to display customer information stored within the ticket.

Note: Customer Information in Ticket is customer information stored within an individual ticket only. This information is not related to customer profile information stored in the ATG customer repository.

Associated Tickets

Expand to view a list of tickets associated with the current ticket.

Click an associated ticket ID to view the associated ticket in read-only view of the Ticket Details pane.