Customer information added here is saved in the customer profile repository and will be available for customer searches.

To create a new customer:

  1. From the Customers tab Next Steps panel, click Create New Customer, or if creating a new ticket, click Create New Customer in the Customer Information panel. The Customer Management Customer Information panel is displayed (Customers tab).

  2. Complete the customer information as required, and then click Save Customer Information (see Customer Management - Customer Information). The customer profile is added to the customer profile repository and is available for customer searches.

    If you select the Receive Email: Yes option, an e-mail is automatically sent to the customer e-mail address with the customer login name and system generated password.

    For example:

    Your new account has been created.

    Login Id: msmith123. Password: 533c292eeaff.

    Note: Changes to customer profile information are recorded as ticket activities in the Ticket Activities panel.

  3. Continue with Next Steps. You must select a Next Step to clear the current ticket and continue working with ATG Ticketing, or select another ticket from the Active Tickets list. See Working with Next Steps.

    Note: The process of creating a new customer profile is an extension of creating a new ticket. Clicking Save Customer Informationautomatically assigns a ticket identification number (visible in the Global Context area).