To search for an existing ticket using a ticket ID:

  1. Click the Tickets tab. The Ticket Search pane is displayed.

    Type the ticket ID in the Quick Search text box, and then click Find. The ticket search results are displayed in the Search Results panel. See Ticket Search Results for more information.

  2. From the Search Results panel, you can:

    • Click the Ticket ID number to open the Ticket Details pane in read-only view, or click the Work on Ticket icon to open the Ticket Details pane in edit view.

    • Expand Customer Information to view customer profile information related to the ticket.

    • Expand Customer Information In Ticket to view contact information stored within the ticket.

    • Expand Associated Tickets to view and/or work on associated tickets (click an associated Ticket ID number to open the Ticket Details pane in read-only view, or click the associated ticket Work on Ticket icon to open the Ticket Details pane in edit view).

  3. Continue with Next Steps. See Modifying (Work on) a Ticket.


    To return to Ticket Search, click Back to Ticket Search in the Next Steps panel.