Installing Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Systems

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Updated: July 2014

Exporting an AI Manifest or a System Configuration Profile

Use the installadm export command to copy the contents of the specified AI manifests or system configuration profiles from the specified install service to the named file or directory.

If the –o option is not specified, the manifest and profile contents go to stdout. If only one input file is specified, the value of the pathname argument can be a file name. If more than one input file is specified, pathname must be a directory.

The specified manifest can be the name of an XML AI manifest or a derived manifest script. See Chapter 10, Provisioning the Client System for information about creating manifests and derived manifest scripts.

    Use the installadm export command for the following tasks:

  • Check the specifications in the manifests and profiles.

  • Modify an existing manifest or profile.

  • Use an existing manifest or profile as a base for creating a new manifest or profile.