What's New in Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4

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Updated: December 2014

Using the –-whatisnew Option

Use the –-whatisnew option to generate a report of only the new errors by comparing against a previously saved tool report. For example, use the Code Analysis tools to create a frozen copy of the state of the source base at the time of the tools adoption. You could then use –-whatisnew to ensure ongoing changes to the source base do not create any new security vulnerabilities.

The following is an example of using the –-whatisnew to display only new errors:

%codean --whatisnew a.out
STATIC report of a.out showing new issues:
Compare the latest results against a.out.analyze/history/09:58:35May152013...
MEMORY LEAK 1 : 1 block left allocated on heap with a total size of 400 bytes
    sample1()  <sample1.c : 20>
        17:    {
        18:         global = (int *)malloc(100);
        19:         int *p = malloc(100*sizeof(int));
        20:=>         int *q = malloc(100*sizeof(int));
        22:         add_0_1_put_in_2(p);PREVISE SUMMARY:
    0 new error(s), 0 new warning(s), 1 new leak(s) in total