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Managing Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: April 2018

Configuring or Unconfiguring a SCSI Controller

Use one of the following commands depending on the operation you want to perform:

  • cfgadm -c configure controller – configures a controller.

  • cfgadm -c unconfigure controller – unconfigures a controller.

In both commands, the controller refers to the controller number. For more information about the controller number, see About Attachment Point Identification.

The following example unconfigures the SCSI controller c2.

# cfgadm -c unconfigure c2

The following example shows the state of the c2 controller after it has been unconfigured. In the displayed information, the Occupant field indicates the controller's new state.

# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id            Type         Receptacle   Occupant       Condition
c2               scsi-bus     connected    unconfigured   unknownThe controller is unconfigured.
c2::dsk/c2t0d0   unavailable  connected    unconfigured   unknown
c3               scsi-sas     connected    configured     unknown
c3::dsk/c3t0d0   disk         connected    configured     unknown
c3::dsk/c3t1d0   disk         connected    configured     unknown
c3::dsk/c3t2d0   disk         connected    configured     unknown
c3::dsk/c3t3d0   disk         connected    configured     unknown

Note -  If an unconfigure operation fails, see Resolving a Failed SCSI Unconfigure Operation.