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Managing Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: April 2018

How to Create a Multi-Session Data CD

This procedure describes how to put more than one session on a CD. This procedure includes an example of copying the infoA and infoB directories onto the CD.

  1. Create the file system for the first CD session.
    $ mkisofs -o infoA -r -V my_infoA /data/infoA
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 24507
    Total directory bytes: 34816
    Path table size(bytes): 98
    Max brk space used 2e000
    8929 extents written (17 Mb)
    –o infoA

    Identifies the name of the ISO file system.


    Creates Rock Ridge information and resets file ownerships to zero.

    –V my_infoA

    Identifies a volume label to be used as the mount point by removable media services.


    Identifies the ISO image directory to create.

  2. Copy the ISO file system for the first session onto the CD.
    $ cdrw -iO infoA
    Initializing device...done.
    Writing track 1...done.
    Finalizing (Can take several minutes)...done.
    –i infoA

    Identifies the name of the image file to write to the CD.


    Keeps the CD open for writing.

  3. Reinsert the CD after it is ejected.
  4. Identify the path name of the CD media to include in the next write session.
    $ eject -n
    cdrom0 -> /vol/dev/rdsk/c2t4d0/my_infoA

    Note the /vol/dev/... path name.

  5. Identify the next writeable address on the CD to write the next session.
    % cdrw -M /cdrom
    Device : YAMAHA   CRW8424S
    Firmware : Rev. 1.0d (06/10/99)
    Track No. |Type    |Start address
    1        |Audio   |0
    2        |Audio   |33057
    3        |Data    |60887
    4        |Data    |68087
    5        |Data    |75287
    Leadout   |Data    |84218
    Last session start address: 75287
    Next writable address: 91118

    Note the address in the Next writable address output so that you can provide this address when you write the next session.

  6. Create the next ISO file system for the next CD session, and write it onto the CD.
    $ mkisofs -o infoB -r -C 0,91118 -M /vol/dev/rdsk/c2t4d0/my_infoA
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 16602
    Total directory bytes: 22528
    Path table size(bytes): 86
    Max brk space used 20000
    97196 extents written (189 Mb)
    –o infoB

    Identifies the name of the ISO file system.


    Creates Rock Ridge information and resets file ownerships to zero.

    –C 0,91118

    Identifies the starting address of the first session and the next writable address.

    –M /vol/dev/rdsk/c2t4d0/my_infoA

    Specifies the path of the existing ISO image to be merged.


    Identifies the ISO image directory to create.