
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  


  • activity indicator
  • Advanced BIOS screen 24.2
  • air baffle
    • replacing 9
  • antistatic
    • using a wrist strap and mat 4.3
  • attaching devices to server 3.3
  • Auto Service Request 3.5



  • cable part number
    • left LED indicator module cable 15.2
    • NVMe cables 19.2
    • SAS cables 18.2
  • cables
  • cabling the server 3.3.1
  • chassis components 25.2.1
  • chassis serial number, locating 3.4.2
  • components and nomenclature 25.2.1
  • connecting devices to server 3.3
  • connector locations 3.3
  • controls, front panel 1.3
  • cooling
    • troubleshooting issues 3.1.4
  • cooling unit components 25.2.2
  • crossover pinouts for SER MGT port 22.3


  • diagnostics
  • DIMMs
    • description 1.4.2
    • fault LEDs
      • inconsistencies with BIOS 10.5
    • Fault Remind button 10.6
    • identifying a failed DIMM 10.7
    • installing 10.8
    • labels 10.4
    • population rules 10.2
    • rank classification labels 10.4
    • removing 10.7
    • replacing 10
    • speed 10.3
    • supported configurations 10.2
  • disk backplane
  • disk backplane cables
  • disk components 25.2.9
  • disk drives 5.1


  • EF front panel indicators 1.3.1
  • electrostatic discharge
    • prevention 4.6.5
    • safety precautions 4.3
  • entity presence events 25.9
  • environmental events 25.4
  • Ethernet cables, connecting 3.3.1
  • Ethernet ports
  • Exit BIOS screen 24.6
  • external cables, connecting 3.3.1


  • fan events 25.7
  • fan module
  • fan tray
  • fault identification
  • Fault Remind button
  • Fault-Service Required LED
  • firmware components 25.2.1
  • flash riser board
  • front panel indicators 1.3.3
  • function keys within BIOS Setup Utility 23.2.2


  • Gigabit Ethernet ports


  • hard disk drive components 25.2.9
  • hard disk drive events 25.5
  • hard drives 5.1
  • hardware faults
  • HBA super capacitor
  • hot-plugging storage drives 5.1


  • identifying Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Trap messages 25.3
  • illustrated parts breakdown 1.4.1
  • installation task overview 2.1
  • installing components
    • battery 12.2
    • DIMMs 10.8
    • disk backplane 14.2
    • fan module 6.2
    • fan tray 6.4
    • flash riser board 8.2
    • HBA super capacitor 17.2
    • internal HBA card 17.2
    • LED indicator module 15.2
    • M.2 flash SSD 8.4
    • motherboard assembly 20.2
    • NVMe cables 19.2
    • PCIe cards 11.2
    • power supply 7.3
    • processors 13.2
    • SAS cables 18.2
    • server into rack 21.5
    • server top cover 21.3
    • storage drives 5.4.2
    • temperature sensor 16.2
  • internal HBA card
  • internal M.2 flash SSDs
  • IO allocation
    • enabling and disabling resources 23.4.5
  • IO BIOS screen 24.3
  • IPMI type 25.2



  • M.2 flash SSD
  • Main BIOS screen 24.1
  • Main power,
  • memory
    • See: DIMMs
  • memory device components 25.2.4
  • memory events 25.8
  • menus, BIOS Setup Utility 23.2.3
  • motherboard assembly


  • NET MGT port
  • Network Time Protocol (NTP) 12.2
  • NVMe cables
    • installing 19.2
    • replacing 19
  • NVMe storage drives
    • removing and replacing using Oracle Linux 5.6
    • removing and replacing using Oracle Solaris 5.5


  • OK to Remove indicator
  • On/Standby
  • open problems 25.1
  • Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)
    • key identity properties (KIP) for component unit auto-update feature 4.4



  • removing components
    • air baffle 9
    • antistatic measures 21.4
    • battery 12.1
    • DIMMs 10.7
    • disk backplane 14.1
    • fan module 6.1
    • fan tray 6.3
    • flash riser board 8.1
    • HBA super capacitor 17.1
    • internal HBA card 17.1
    • LED indicator module 15.1
    • M.2 flash SSD 8.3
    • motherboard assembly 20.1
    • PCIe cards 11.1
    • power supply 7.2
    • processors 13.1
    • SAS cables 18
    • server top cover 4.6.6
    • storage drives 5.4.1
    • temperature sensor 16.1
  • Replaceable component key identity properties (KIP) 4.4


  • safety
    • ESD precautions 4.3
    • precautions 4.1
    • symbols 4.2
  • SAS cables
    • installing 18.2
    • replacing 18
  • screens, BIOS Setup Utility 23.2.1, 23.2.3
  • Security screen 24.4
  • serial management (SER MGT) port
    • configuring serial port sharing 3.3.3
    • pinout 22.3
    • RJ-45 to DB-9 crossover pinout 22.3
  • serial number, locating 3.4.2
  • serial port sharing
  • server
    • diagnosing 3.1.2
    • exploded view 1.4.1
    • installing into rack 21.5
    • removing from rack 4.6.4
    • returning server to operation 21
    • troubleshooting 3.1
  • server, power on 23.2.3
  • Server hardware faults
  • server top cover
  • server troubleshooting, information when contacting support 3.4.1
  • service
    • Auto Service Request 3.5
    • preparing server 4.6
    • returning server to operation 21
  • service processor
    • resetting using pinhole switch 3.3.7
  • shortcut key sequences in BIOS Setup Utility 23.2.2
  • shutting down the system
    • immediately, using Oracle ILOM CLI
    • immediately, using Oracle ILOM web interface
    • immediately, using the On/Standby button
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Traps
    • entity presence events 25.9
    • environmental events 25.4
    • fan events 25.7
    • hard disk drive events 25.5
    • memory events 25.8
    • power events 25.6
  • specifications
  • Standby power 4.6.2
  • storage drives
  • support for product 3.4.1
  • system chassis components 25.2.1
  • system components and nomenclature 25.2
  • system firmware components 25.2.8
  • system motherboard components 25.2.7
  • System OK indicator


  • technical support 3.4.1
  • temperature sensor
  • tools required for service 4.5
  • troubleshooting
    • information when contacting support 3.4.1
    • overview 3.2
    • server 3.1
    • using diagnostic tools 3.2
    • using LED status indicators 3.1.3
    • using Oracle ILOM 3.1.1
  • Trusted Execution Technology (TXT)
  • Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
    • enabling and disabling 23.4.3


  • UEFI driver
    • enabling and disabling 23.4.4
  • UEFI Secure Boot