You can drag and drop assets in Merchandising to simplify moving, linking, and adding actions. For example:

To drag and drop assets:

  1. (Optional) Click the splitter button in the lower left-hand corner of the Merchandising window to show a second view of Merchandising.

  2. Find or browse to assets you want to work with. See Using the Navigation Pane.

  3. Select the assets to drag.

    By default, dragging assets moves them. To link instead of move, select the assets and press the CTRL key.

    Note: You cannot link promotions, coupons, and media assets.

  4. Drag the assets to the new location and release the mouse button to drop them.

    A highlight appears around a potential drop location when you hover over it.

  5. To stop the current drag action, press the ESC key or simply release the mouse while the curser is not on a drop target.

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