When you create your test, you can choose to view a standard list of results, results with ranking calculations for each item, or choose not to display the results list at all if you are testing other factors. If your search engine groups results, you can also choose to see the sub-items, usually SKUs, under each grouped item in the results list. Otherwise, if you choose Standard or Ranking Calculations, you see only the group items and not the sub-items in the result list.

The following table describes the different options for viewing the results list and what they display. Your ATG installation might not support all options. The administrator can customize the information displayed in each type of results list.

Results list option



Shows the basic list of search results with the ranking score of each item.

Usually this includes the item’s name, position number, item ID, description, and final score. It might also include other properties such as the item’s brand or price, depending on what was configured by your administrator. If the search results include items in multiple languages, then the Language column appears and shows the language of the item.

Ranking Calculations

Displays the list of search results and information about how the ranking score was calculated for each item based on the search term relevance and any result prioritization rules from a search configuration.

If your site groups items, then this output shows the ranking calculations for the highest-ranked sub-item.

Tip: To see ranking calculations only for specific items, enter the item IDs in the Track Items field and choose the Tracked Item Details output type. See Tracked Item Details.


If your site is configured to group SKUs by product, this displays the list of items that are included in each grouping.

This result option shows the ranking scores of the individual items in addition to the group-level score. Since the group score is taken from the highest ranking individual item, you can use this option to see how the result ranking was determined when results are grouped.


Displays no search results in the test output.

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