This section provides information that helps you plan your export.

Asset Types Not Available for Export

Merchandising does not export the following types of assets:

Exporting Asset Properties

When you export an asset, you can export any of its properties that have the following data types:

For more information about property data types, see the chapters that describe creating and working with different asset types earlier in this guide.

Asset Versioning

You do not have to add assets to a project to export them, but you do have to be working in the context of a project.

If you select an asset for export that you modified in your project, the modified version is exported. Otherwise, the main version—the version last checked in—is exported.

Note: Versioning information is not included in the export. If you plan to edit and re-import the spreadsheet to Merchandising, see Versioning Considerations.


You must have Read and List access for assets and properties you want to export. You do not need Write access to export assets but you do need Write access to import changes to assets and properties. For more information about user permissions, contact your administrator or see Managing User Access and Security in the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

Exporting in a Multisite Environment

In a multisite environment, each catalog asset is assigned the following properties:

Merchandising does not export either of these properties for catalog items, but does export the Sites property for promotions.

Export Size Limitations
Exporting Different Types of Assets

You can export only one type of asset in each export procedure. For example, you cannot export both products and categories to the same spreadsheet; you would need to export the products to one spreadsheet and then export the categories to another.

Some asset types are children of other asset types. For example, Configurable SKU is a type of SKU and Item Discount is a type of Promotion.

If you choose to export a parent asset, all its child assets are automatically exported. For example, suppose your project includes two types of promotions: an order discount and a shipping discount. If you choose to export all available promotions, the asset type list displays the parent asset type (Promotion) and each child asset type (Order Discount and Shipping Discount).

To export only order discounts, select Order Discount from the list. To export both order discounts and shipping discounts, select Promotion from the list.

If you select Promotion to export both types of promotions, only properties that apply to the Promotion asset type are available for export. Properties that apply specifically to the Order Discount or Shipping Discount asset type are not available. For example, the Condition and offer property is not available for export when you select the Promotion asset type, but it is available when you select either Order Discount or Shipping Discount.

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