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Oracle® SuperCluster T5-8 Zones With Oracle Database on Database Domains Configuration Guide

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Updated: April 2020

Create VNETs for Zones

  1. Locate the addvnet-wrapper.sh script.

    See Preparing to Configure Zones on Database Domains for the location of the addvnet-wrapper.sh script.

  2. On the first SPARC T5-8 server, list the Database Domains with zones to locate the Database Domain that you are adding VNETs to:
    ldm list
  3. Log in to the control domain.

    See Locate the Control Domain for instructions on locating the control domain.

  4. From the control domain, add VNETs to the guest domain on this SPARC T5-8 server:
    addvnet-wrapper.sh DB-domain num-zone


    • DB-domain is the name of the guest domain.

    • num-zone is the number of zones that you are setting up on the Database Domains in this particular SPARC T5-8 server.

    For example, if you have the following setup:

    • The name of the guest domain is osc01dbadmin02-01.

    • You will be setting up 4 zones on the Database Domains on this SPARC T5-8 server.

    Then you would type the following command:

    addvnet-wrapper.sh osc01dbadmin02-01 4
    Adding VNETs on osc01dbadmin02-01 -----| Okay
    Info: found active ldom configuration F8_1_1_ML11242013214449
    Info: will add new ldom configuration F8_1_1_ML11242013214449
    Adding ldom configuration --------/ Okay
    INFO: ssh into osc01dbadmin02-01 for post-vnet operations
    INFO: Renamed link net24 to zonenet24
    INFO: Renamed link net25 to zonenet25
    INFO: Renamed link net26 to zonenet26
    INFO: Renamed link net27 to zonenet27
    • Viewed from the Hypervisor perspective, using the ldm command, the VNETs that you added start with z, followed by a nonnegative integer, followed by mgnet, and ending with either a 0 or a 1 (for example, z0mgnet1).

    • Viewed from the Solaris perspective, using the dladm command, the network created is in the form of zonenetxx, where xx are consecutive numbers (such as zonenet12, zonenet13, and so on). Once a zone is deployed, the network picked for that particular zone or instance is mapped to zonbnetxx (such as zonbnet12, zonbnet13, and so on) to indicate that they are locked and used for the respective zone.

    If you destroy a zone using the instructions in Delete a Template Zone From a Database Domain, the net pool is freed and renamed back to zonenetxx (such as zonenet12, zonenet13, and so on) so that any future addition of zones using zone tools can pick those VNETs.

  5. Check the guest domains to ensure that the VNETs are created on the specified domain:
    ldm ls -l -p DB-domain | grep ???^VNET'

    where DB-domain is the name of the Database Domain with zones that you added the VNETs to. For example, if the name of the Database Domain with zones that you added the VNETs to is osc01dbadmin02-01, type the following:

    ldm ls -l -p osc01dbadmin02-01 | grep ???^VNET'
  6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 to add VNETs to the control domain on the second SPARC T5-8 server.
  7. Run the Java OneCommand.

    Go to Running the Java OneCommand.