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Oracle® SuperCluster T5-8 Zones With Oracle Database on Database Domains Configuration Guide

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Updated: April 2020

Install or Update Files From the Local Repository

This procedure describes7 how to install or update files from the local repository on the ZFS storage appliance.

Note -  For more information on setting up a repository on the ZFS storage appliance, refer to MOS note 1503899.1.
  1. Type ssh to get in to the active ZFS storage controller through the 1GbE host management network.
  2. Locate the project for the local repository on the ZFS storage appliance:
    stor-contr:> shares
    stor-contr:shares> show

    The project for the repository should have an obvious name, such as IPS-repos, and should be shown towards the end of the output from the show command.

  3. Select that project for the repository:
    stor-contr:shares> select repository

    For example:

    stor-contr:shares> select IPS-repos
  4. List the file systems in the repository area:
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos> show
  5. For every file system that is displayed in the show command, select each file system in this area and set the root permissions to 755.

    For example, if you see the following file systems in the output for the show command:

    • solaris

    • s11repo

    • exa-family

    then type the following commands to set the root permissions to 755 for each of those file systems, ending with the end command after you have set the root permissions for the last file system in the list:

    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos> filesystem solaris
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/solaris (uncommitted)> set root_permissions=755
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/solaris (uncommitted)> commit
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/solaris (uncommitted)> done
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos> filesystem s11repo
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/s11repo (uncommitted)> set root_permissions=755
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/s11repo (uncommitted)> commit
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/s11repo (uncommitted)> done
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos> filesystem exa-family
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/exa-family (uncommitted)> set root_permissions=755
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/exa-family (uncommitted)> commit
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos/exa-family (uncommitted)> done
    stor-contr:shares IPS-repos> end
  6. On the first Database Domain to contain zones, determine if you have the necessary packages to set up zones on the Database Domains:
    # pkg info supercluster/ssc-exavm supercluster/iscsi supercluster/vnet supercluster/ssctuner 
    • If you see that one or more of the packages listed in the command are not installed, then you must get the packages that you need. Go to Step 7.
    • If all four packages listed in the command above are installed, then you have the files that you need. Follow these instructions to determine if you have the latest versions of the packages:
      1. Log in to MOS:


      2. Select the Patches & Updates tab.
      3. In the Patch Search panel, select Product or Family (Advanced).
      4. In the Product field, search for and select Oracle SuperCluster T5-8.

        Select any of the Oracle SuperCluster T5-8 options.

      5. In the Release field, select all releases.
      6. Choose Description contains in the pull-down menus, then type exa-family in the search field.
      7. Click the Search button.
      8. In the Patch Search Results page, select the option for the most recent release (1.1 or later) and click the Read Me button.
      9. Compare the version number of each package shown in the Read Me file to the version numbers displayed when you entered the pkg info command earlier in these procedures.

        - If the version numbers match for each package, then you have the latest versions. Go to Step 11.

        - If the versions of the packages on your local repository are older than the package versions listed in the Read Me file, or if there is no package version information in the Read Me file, then you must update the packages on the local repository. Go to Step 8.

  7. On a system that has access to the Internet, locate the repository ISO image from the remote Oracle site.
    1. Log in to MOS:


    2. Select the Patches & Updates tab.
    3. In the Patch Search panel, select Product or Family (Advanced).
    4. In the Product field, search for and select Oracle SuperCluster T5-8.

      Select any of the Oracle SuperCluster T5-8 options.

    5. In the Release field, select all releases.
    6. Choose Description Contains in the pull-down menus, then enter exa-family in the search field.
    7. Click the Search button.
  8. In the Patch Search Results page, select the option for the most recent release (1.5.9 or later) and click the Download button.

    Do not unzip the file at this time.

  9. Update the local repository on the ZFS storage appliance.
    1. Locate the ISO image ZIP file that you downloaded in Step 8 and copy that file to a temporary directory on the first SPARC T5-8 server.

      For example, copy the ZIP file to the /var/tmp directory on the first SPARC T5-8 server.

    2. Unzip the ISO image ZIP file.
    3. Locate the ISO image in this directory.
    4. Update the local repository on the ZFS storage appliance:
      # mkdir -p tmp-dir
      # mount -F hsfs iso-name.iso tmp-dir
      # pkgrecv -s /tmp-dir/repo -d path-to-repo-on-ZFSSA/repo '*'
      # umount tmp-dir
      # pkgrepo rebuild -s path-to-repo-on-ZFSSA/repo


      - tmp-dir is the name of the temporary directory that you use as a mount point.

      - iso-name.iso is the name of the ISO image.

      - path-to-repo-on-ZFSSA is the path to the repository on the ZFS storage appliance. This path appears after the file:// output from the pkg publisher command that you entered in the section Determine the Repository Location.

      The single quotes at the end of the second line ('*') are quotes formed when you select the unshifted double-quotes (“) key on your keyboard (single quotes that are either straight up and down or pointing left).

  10. Install the packages onto each Database Domain with zones where you will be setting up zones.
    1. Log in to the first Database Domain with zones.
    2. Install the necessary packages:
      # pkg install pkg://exa-family/system/platform/supercluster
      # pkg install pkg://exa-family/system/platform/supercluster/iscsi
      # pkg install pkg://exa-family/system/platform/supercluster/ssc-exavm
      # pkg install pkg://exa-family/system/platform/supercluster/ssctuner
      # pkg install pkg://exa-family/system/platform/supercluster/vnet
  11. Repeat these steps for every Database Domain.
  12. When you have installed the packages on every Database Domain that will contain zones, go to Verify Configuration Tool Installation.