Oracle® Switch ES2-72 and Oracle Switch ES2-64 Configuration Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: April 2015

Stop the Host

  1. If you are at the host prompt, get to the SP prompt.
    • You can press Esc and Shift-9 to get the SP prompt.
      ES2-72-primary SEFOS# Esc+Shift-9
      Serial console stopped.
    • You can exit from SEFOS before returning to the SP prompt.
      ES2-72-primary SEFOS# exit
      Connection closed by foreign host.
      cd: The session with /SYS/fs_cli has ended.
      ES2-> Esc+Shift-9
      Serial console stopped.
  2. Stop the host.
    • You can gracefully stop the host.
      -> stop /SYS
      Are you sure you want to stop /SYS (y/n)? y
      Stopping /SYS
    • You can forcefully the host.
      -> stop -f /SYS
      Are you sure you want to immediately stop /SYS (y/n)? y
      Stopping /SYS immediately

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